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第 27 卷第 4 期 建 筑 结 构 学 报 VoI.27,No.4 2006 年 8 月 JournaI of BuiIding Structures Aug. 2006 文章编号:1000 - 686(9 2006)04 - 0061 - 04 大型场馆异形钢结构屋面概念设计若干问题探讨 马人乐,何敏娟 (同济大学 土木工程学院,上海 200092) 摘要:本文提出了大型场馆异形钢结构屋面的概念设计问题。对于周边墙体封闭的“馆”类建筑,屋面风的体型系数一般 为负,即受风吸作用。对于“场”类建筑,则应根据屋盖各部分形状与风向的相对关系来确定屋面受风吸还是风压。对于 异形屋面排水问题,屋面形状应尽可能满足快捷排水的要求。排水路径要短,水流要向结构的支座处会聚,尽量避免聚 向悬挑端。评定一个结构是否是空间结构,看其在结构效应中,是以弯曲为主还是以轴向拉压为主。如果是前者,则结 构的厚度和跨度之比就要求较大;而对于以拉压效应为主的空间结构,则其厚度和跨度之比可以较小。铸钢节点用于杆 件交汇数量多、交角小的节点,可以避免较大的应力集中。但对于少量几根钢管之间的连接,不太适合使用铸钢节点,采 用相贯线焊接,也同样能满足受力要求。 关键词:大型场馆;钢结构屋面;概念设计 中图分类号:TU393.3 文献标识码:A Discussion on concept design of Iong span speciaI steeI roof structures MA RenIe,HE Minjuan (CoIIege of CiviI Engineering,Tongji University,Shanghai 200092,China) Abstract:This paper deaIs with the probIem about the conceptuaI design of Iong span speciaI steeI roof structures. For those Iarge-scaIe buiIdings with cIose waIIs around,the shape factor of the buiIdings under wind Ioad are often negative,resuIting upIift in the roof. For those Iarge-scaIe buiIdings wihtout cIose waIIs around,the upIift or pressure wind on the roofs shouId be determined by the roof shape and tis reIative position to the wind direction. Cautions shouId aIso be paid to the draining probIem of speciaI roof to avoid accumuIation of water. Thus,the drainage path shouId be short enough,and water shouId be Ied to structuaI supports and shouId not be accumuIated on the end of suspending eIements. whether a roof structure is a space structure or a pIain one is determined by the force in the roof. A roof structure with mainIy bending effect can be considered as a pIain roof,and its ratio of span and thickness is Iarge. A spatiaI roof typic


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