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PAGE  PAGE 53 公主日记1(The Princess Diaries 1) 该上学了! Time for school! 不要做白日梦了 你要迟到了 Stop daydreaming. Youll be late for school. 有时我有些梦想 Sometimes l have dreams. 嘿 Louie 起来 Hey, Louie. Come on. 我描绘自己在 l picture myself flyin 该去上学了 Its time to go to school. 云中穿梭 Through the clouds 搏击长空 High in the sky 征服世界 Conquering the world 带着我的魔法钢琴 With my magic piano 不再害怕 Never being scared 然后我意识到 But then I realize 我有超能力 Im Supergirl 我要来拯救世界 And Im here to save the world 但是我想知道 But I wanna know 谁来拯救我? Whos gonna save me? 感觉有信心吗? Are you feeling confident? 不太有 Not really. 你就记住 演讲的时候... Now just remember, when you make your speech... 不要看下面的人 dont look at the people. 盯住后面墙上的某个地方... Pick a spot on the back wall... 不要转移视线... dont take your eyes off of it... 并且声音要放大 and speak loudly. 谢谢 妈妈 Thanks, Mom. 再见 妈妈 Bye, Mom. 祝你好运 Good luck. 早上好 Buttons Morning, Buttons. 友好点 Buttons Be nice, Buttons. 对不起 Robutusen先生 Sorry, Mr. Robutusen. 祝你愉快 Have a nice day. 才怪 I doubt it. 我有超能力 lm Supergirl 我有超能力 Im Supergirl 我想知道 What I wanna know 谁来拯救我? Whos gonna save me? 嘿 加油 哦 加油 Hey, there, ho there 你们好吗? How do you do? Grove雄狮向你们问好 This is Grove Lions sayin hi to you. -我是Lana... -Anna... -Im Lana... -Anna... Fontana Fontana. 上来 雄狮! Go Lions! Josh! Josh! 我有超能力 Im Supergirl -Josh! -你在干什么? -Josh! -What are you doing? 哦 他真是爱出风头 Oh, hes such a show-off. Jeremiah 请从墙上下来 Jeremiah, off the wall, pIease. 快点 你应该很清楚 Come on. You know better than that. 早上好 Gupta小姐 Good morning, Miss Gupta. 早上好 Lilly... Morning, Lilly... 还有Lilly的朋友 Lillys friend. 我有超能力 Im Supergirl 谁来拯救我? Whos gonna save me? 你知道 作为球队的经纪人... You know, as manager of the team... 我真的认为你应该加入球队 I really think you should be a part of the team. 哦 哦! 天哪 Oh, oh! Oops. 对不起 我没看见你 Im sorry, I didnt see you. 我在想... I was thinking... 又有人坐在我身上了 Somebody sat on me again. -真的? -真的 -Really? -Yeah. 我不知道怎么回事 l dont know what happened. 我就是坐在那儿 练习我的演讲... l was just sitting there, working on my speech... 教室里鸦雀无声... Its really a dumb class... 毛骨悚然的景象 Jerk and j


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