Pipe thiazine palmitate and haloperidol decanoate ester treatment of residual schizophrenia clinical controlled study.doc

Pipe thiazine palmitate and haloperidol decanoate ester treatment of residual schizophrenia clinical controlled study.doc

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Pipe thiazine palmitate and haloperidol decanoate ester treatment of residual schizophrenia clinical controlled study

 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 7 Pipe thiazine palmitate and haloperidol decanoate ester treatment of residual schizophrenia clinical controlled study [Abstract] observed with randomized, controlled thiazide palmitate Pipe (PP and haloperidol decanoate ester (HD treatment of 20 cases residual schizophrenia. Statistical analysis of the two drugs have good efficacy, minor side effects. which HD to eliminate the positive symptoms, PP a significant effect on negative symptoms. [Keywords:] palmitate Pipe thiazine ester residues schizophrenia haloperidol decanoate Schizophrenia most recurrent, delayed healing, longer course, has become dominated by negative symptoms and positive symptoms of the individual residues, the clinician is called residual schizophrenia, need long-term medication therapy. We use in clinical work Pipe thiazine palmitate (PP and haloperidol decanoate ester (referred to 40 cases of HD patients with residual schizophrenia treatment, randomized controlled study. now report the results as follows: Materials and Methods 1, case selection: All patients were in May 2002 -2003 in February of female patients were hospitalized, are in line with CCMD-III diagnostic criteria for residual schizophrenia. 2, into the set of methods: by order of admission, then the patients were divided into two groups of 20. Age: HD group 26-56 years, mean 35.25 + -7.97 years; PP group 19-52 years, mean 35.00 + - 9.25 years old. duration of HD group 5-30 years, mean 12.60 + -6.95 years; PP group 3-31 years, mean 13.05 + -8.73 years. hospitalizations: HD group of 1-14 times the average 6.70 + -2.99 times, PP Section 1-13, an average of 5.35 + -3.39 times. treatment of chronic mental patients before the standardized rating scale score: HD group 10.35 + -4.38, PP group 11.12 + -3.74. by t test, the indicators between the two groups had no significant differences (Pgt; 0.05. 3, the use of drugs: PP group using Pipe palmitate injection hydrochlorothiazide,



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