Safflower injection induced asthma attack in 1 case.doc

Safflower injection induced asthma attack in 1 case.doc

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Safflower injection induced asthma attack in 1 case

 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 4 Safflower injection induced asthma attack in 1 case [Keywords:] asthma safflower injection 1 Case information Patients, male, 62 years old. Because of dizziness, physical activity not working 6 days left to our hospital. 40 years with asthma, no other medical history and drug allergies. Examination: Pulse 82 times / min, blood pressure 130 / 85mmHg, mind clear, lack of energy, independent position. the amount of grain symmetrical, bilateral and other large and round pupil, light reflex present. no skew mouth, tongue out of the middle. neck soft, clear breath sounds lungs, heart rate 82 beats / min, regular rhythm, heart sounds strong, the valve auscultation area and the noise is not heard. left limb muscle strength grade 4, normal muscle tone. right side of the body to normal. Babinski sign was negative. head CT: the right corona radiata infarction area . admission, to safflower injection solution 20ml 250ml in 5% glucose intravenous infusion, infusion rate of 45 drops / min. in about 60ml infusion, the patient sudden chest tightness, suffocation, shortness of breath, irritability, large sweat dripping, clammy extremities, blood pressure 150/90mmHg, mind clear, face pain, lips and face, cyanosis, lungs full of wheeze, prolonged exhalation, heart rate 116 times / min, regular rhythm, heart sounds strong, the valve auscultation area and the noise is not heard. immediate cessation of infusion, and given oxygen, intravenous injection of 50% glucose injection given 20ml plus 0.25g asthma and dexamethasone injection 10mg, intramuscular chlorpheniramine 10mg, then given vitamin C injections liquid 2.0g, 10mg injection of dexamethasone intravenously. about 15min later, the patient chest tightness, suffocation reduce, 25min later, the patient breathing gradually stable. 2 Discussion Compositae safflower safflower injection was extracted by the processing of traditional Chinese medicine preparation, yellow red or brownish red, with t


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