Sales of high-end products pay attention to multi-terminal.doc

Sales of high-end products pay attention to multi-terminal.doc

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Sales of high-end products pay attention to multi-terminal

 PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 8 Sales of high-end products pay attention to multi-terminal Earth to do marketing people know that the more high-end product sales profits will be higher, because most of our profits from sales of our high-end models, the low-end products in the market now though large, but as the flow of logistics sales company We can only be a porter, drinking manufacturers and chain stores have been left a little bit of soup Bale. In reality, we have a lot of time there is a high-end model is poor low-end models selling special circumstances, and asked, and our sales staff terminal, they may only tell you one answer: ‘Old Yum liked bargain price The difficulty in marketing a high! Each to the counter next to the customers say too expensive ‘. Of course, we can not always have been selling high-end products, after all, many consumers are still dominated by medium and low, but it Is not sell our consumers the ability to do high-end machines? There are still other reasons? This requires us to think the staff to do a market analysis. Simply put, can be high-end consumer product, generally have the following characteristics: 1, income is relatively high (he bought a used) or a higher social status (some of their pay for gifts) consumers. They can easily try to accept new things, in the balance of the cost-effective, more focused on the product of the psychological feeling, followed by the product itself before considering the interests of the point, the price is not the main gateway to accept new things. 2, there is certain level of education, want to express, to upgrade their literacy consumers. These consumers pay attention to social evaluation and consumer performance, they tend to focus on is not the product itself, but the emphasis is on the high-end products represent identity and social status. Like so much every year in China to sell XO, a considerable portion of these consumers when the drug was water to drink down, and will be drinking these ‘med


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