Unit1AdvertisingSectionⅡ Wordpower,Grammarandusage课件(牛津译林版必修4).ppt

Unit1AdvertisingSectionⅡ Wordpower,Grammarandusage课件(牛津译林版必修4).ppt

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Unit1AdvertisingSectionⅡ Wordpower,Grammarandusage课件(牛津译林版必修4).ppt

Section Ⅱ Word power,Grammar and usage;研读教材,完成下列内容 Ⅰ.重点单词熟记 1.________ n.畅销书;畅销品 2.________ vt.推荐;建议,劝告;介绍 3.________ vt.购买,采购n.采购;购买的东西 4.________ adj.引人注目的 5.________ n.标语;口号 6.________ adj.最新的 7.________ n.软件;8.________ n.标识,标志,徽标 9.________ adj.惊奇的 答案 1.best-seller 2.recommend 3.purchase  4.eye-catching 5.slogan 6.latest 7.software 8.logo 9.amazed;Ⅱ.重点短语探究 1.come ________偶遇 2.________ the face of面对,在……面前 3.make good use ________充分利用 4.be satisfied ________对……满意 5.be interested ________对…….感兴趣 6.according ________根据 7.________ ones attention 吸引某人的注意力 8.be amazed ________对……感到惊奇 9.over and over ________一次又一次 答案 1.across 2.in 3.of 4.with 5.in 6.to 7.attract 8.by/at 9.again;Ⅲ.教材佳句背诵 1.________ ________ they are going to like the book very much. 我相信他们会很喜欢这本书的。 2.I asked Wang Hua ________ he had not shown me the data earlier. 我问王华为什么他没有早点给我看那些数据。 3.I recommend that we ________ ________10 copies for the library. 我建议我们应该为图书馆买10本这样的书。 答案 1.Im sure 2.why 3.should purchase;1.design n. vt.计划,设计,图案,花样 (教材原句)I think it is because consumers really like our unique design.(P7) 我认为那是因为消费者真正喜欢我们独特的设计。 【句法分析】  本句中think后为宾语从句,该宾语从句由一个含有表语从句的复合句充当。;【用法归纳】 (1)n.计划,设计,图案,花样 The magazine will appear in a new design from next month.从下月起这本杂志将以新的设计问世。 (2)vt.设计,构思,计划,谋划 Chanel has a gift for designing clothes. 香奈尔很有设计服装的天赋。;【即境活用】 ①It is said that the early European playing cards ________ for entertainment and education. A.were being designed B.have designed C.have been designed D.were designed 解析 句意:据说早期欧洲的扑克牌是为娱乐和教育的目的而设计的。应用一般过去时的被动语态。选D。 答案 D;翻译句子 ②这个桌子是为儿童而设计的。 __________________________________________________ ③The programme is designed to help people who have been out of work for a long time. __________________________________________________ 答案 ②This desk is designed for children. ③这项计划的目的是为长期失业者提供帮助。;2.动词一般将来时 (教材原句)Were doing it right now.Ill present it to you tomorrow morning.(P7) 我们现在正在做,明天早上将交给你。 【句法分析】  前一个句子为现在进行时,后一个句子是一般将来时。;【辨析】 be going to/will (


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