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;;水,孕育了生命 生命,对水总有一种莫名的向往 人,在潜意识里, 总有一种回归母体的莫名冲动 longingWater, has given birth to life on the water there is a sense of In the subconscious, There is a total return of the mother of inexplicable ;水,孕育了文明 从古至今,文明从来都发源于水 Water, has given birth to civilization since ancient times, civilization has originated water ;■尼罗河孕育 了灿烂的古埃及文明 Nile bred the brilliant ancient Egyptian civilization ;■幼发拉底河的消长荣枯影响了巴比伦王国的盛衰兴亡 The ups and downs of the Euphrates fluctuation affected the prosperity of the Kingdom of the rise and fall of Babylon ;■地中海沿岸的自然环境,是古希腊文化的摇蓝 The natural environment of the Mediterranean Sea, is the cradle of ancient Greek;■黄河与长江,则滋润了蕴藉深厚的华夏文化 Yellow River and Yangtze River, Yun moisture by the profound Chinese culture ;自然而然 人类选择了依水而居的生活 Naturally, the selection of human life on the water neighbors ;依水而居 成为每个人萦绕在脑海间的一个梦想、一种追求。 In water neighbors, Lin Hu and habitat, as everyone lingering in the minds of a dream, a pursuit. From ancient to the present, from foreign to domestic, and to all!;中国传统居住理念中, 水文化一直占据着主导地位, “稀世大宅,亲水为上” Lake, as a measure, the status of a characterization;■孔子以山比德、以水比智,提出了“仁者乐山,智者乐水”之说。临 山而居,近水而栖,吸纳山水之灵性,培养豁达之胸怀,从山水中来, 回归山水,山水住宅是人类居住向往的至高境界。;■“浅渚波光云影,小桥流水人家。”是人们对江南水乡的基本印象, 江南园林文化中,更是与水离不开。宅边无水已经成了堪舆学(建筑风 水学说)的忌讳。风水之法,得水为上 ;滨水而居 从古至今皆是人类最优质的栖居地 In the rivers, lakes, the sea, the lake is only human to the best dwelling;滨水成为 人类渴望回归自然的表征 高贵生活必不可少的元素 尊崇身份、地位的代名词 更是一切繁华淡泊、文化精神的高度象征 Lake, which is eager to return to the characterization of natural lakes, noble life is an essential element of the lake is respected as synonymous with the status of the lake, is indifferent to all downtown, a symbol of high living ;临湖筑居,溪涧环绕 静而悠远,卓然不凡 天人合一,意境高远 Static and Youyuan, is a realm, especially in terms of urban life Linhu Motif is a ambitious, especially when body in the city centre ;当城市化进程的脚步日益加快, 当水资源在都市当中日渐稀缺、匮乏的时候,人们 离“亲水而居、临湖而栖”的豪宅梦想 究竟有多远?? When the pace of the process of urbanization is accelerating, the water in the city of Water Culture Increa



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