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第  PAGE 6 页 共  NUMPAGES 6 页 2015届高考英语一轮复习 Module 2 Highlights of My Senior Year练习题 外研版必修7 Ⅰ.单项填空 1.—Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better. —________. A.It’s up to you.      B.Thank goodness! C.Let’s get going. D.I’m with you on that. 答案 D [考查交际用语。第一句话表明一个观点,答语应对这个观点表示赞同或者否定,故选D(我在那点上赞同你的观点。) It’s up to you.由你决定。Thank goodness!谢天谢地!Let’s get going.我们开始吧。] 2.I can’t say a thank-you________much.I couldn’t have succeeded without your help. A.too B.quite C.that D.very 答案 A [考查副词用法。句意表示“我再怎么感谢你也不过分”,故选A。can’t...too...再……也不过分。] 3.Our football team will compete against the Japanese team this evening.Let’s go and_____ them_____,shall we? A.cheer;up B.join;in C.add;up D.pick;up 答案 A [句意为“今晚我们的足球队要和日本队比赛,让我们去给他们加油好吗?”cheer sb.up表示“为某人加油”。] 4.You are sure to know the result,but that’s________everybody has finished their work. A.when B.why C.before D.until 答案 A [考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知,“________everybody has finished their work”是表语从句,关系词表示“当……的时候”,故用when。] 5._____some teenagers don’t realize is______difficult life can be after they get addicted to drugs. A.That;how B.Which;what a C.What;what D.What;how 答案 D [考查名词性从句。第一空,What引导主语从句,并在主语从句中作realize的宾语,注意that引导主语从句时,不充当句子成分;第二空,how引导表语从句,修饰形容词difficult,表语从句是感叹句。] 6.I’m considering______a teacher after graduation because a teacher is often considered______ the engineer of human souls. A.to become;to be B.to become;being C.becoming;being D.becoming;to be 答案 D [考查consider的用法。当consider作“考虑”讲时,后跟doing sth.;be considered to be意为“被认为是”。句意为:我在考虑毕业后当老师,因为老师常被认为是人类灵魂的工程师。] 7.—How far apart do they live? —________I know,they live in the same neighborhood. A.As long as B.As far as C.As well as D.As often as 答案 B [考查固定搭配。as far as I know意为“据我所知”。] 8.—What do you know about Darwin after he returned from the trip by sea? —Well,he got married and________down to live in Kent. A.got B.worked C.took D.settled 答案 D [settle


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