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;Module 4 A Social Survey---My Neighborhood Reading and Vocabulary;Historical landscape;Describe the pictures and tell me your feelings.; How long haven’t John and Xiao Li seen each other? They haven’t seen each other for six years. 2. Where does Xiao Li live? He lives in the northwest of Xiamen. 3.Where do they plan to have lunch? In a nice little fish restaurant.;4. How does Xiao Li find living by the sea?;Are these statements True or False? 1. John and Xiao Li haven`t seen each other for six years. ( ) 2. John has never been to China before. ( ) 3. There are very few tourists on the coast. ( ) 4. There are a lot of new high-rise buildings on Gulangyu Island. ( ) 5. There are some interesting buildings on Gulangyu Island. ( );Put the sentences in the right order according to this dialogue. ( ) There are a lot of high rise buildings recently in the business district; ( ) The climate in XiaMen is pretty hot and wet in the summer, but it can be quite cold in winter; ( ) There are a lot of tourists in Summer; ( ) Gulangyu Island is a gorgeous island with really interesting architecture. It lies in the western of this city; ( ) Xiamen is a city on the coast.;Location;Read the passage carefully and complete the chart below;Xia men ;Fill in the blanks. Xiamen is one of the most ___________cities on the______. The climate is ___________and wet in summer , but it can be quite cold in winter. Every year, many_______ come to Xiamen to spend their holidays,especially in summer. Its ______________ has put up a lot of high-rise buildings recently. And there are some great_____________. The western district is the most interesting part of the city. It’s got some really____________. Xiamen is famous for Gulangyu Island. It’s a ________island with some really interesting ____________.;Topic;;4. The _____ for a modern apartment in Xiamen is usually very expensive. 5. Which ______________of the city does Xiao L


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