[2017年整理]一摸翻译 及答案.doc

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[2017年整理]一摸翻译 及答案

Step1 我们应尽力保护地球。(try) 2. 除非当面问他,否则他不会承认他的错误。(unless) 3. 现代医学和技术使人类有可能在不久战胜癌症。(possible) 4. 玛丽经常在周末带她的儿子去音乐会,让他受到艺术的影响。(expose) 5. 汽车销量的快速增长带领中国经济走出最近的世界经济困境,令国人感到安慰。(lead) We must try to protect the earth. Unless he is asked/you ask him in face/directly, he never admits/won’t admit his mistakes/the mistake he made. Modern medicine and technology makes it possible for humans to defeat cancer soon. Mary often brings her son to concerts at weekends, exposing him to art. 5. The rapid increase of car sales has led the Chinese economy out of the recent world economic difficulty, which made the Chinese people relieved. Step2 1. 汤姆的进步值得表扬。(worth) 2. 哪怕一个细微的错误也会造成巨大的损失。(lead) 无论做什么事,都应该事先做好充分的准备。(advance) 那些勇于探索,不畏艰难的人更有可能取得成功。(likely) 父母不经允许就看孩子的信件是不对的,因为他们应当尊重别人的隐私。(wrong) 1. Tom is worth praising for his progress.[来源:学科网ZXXK] 2. Even a tiny mistake can lead to a great loss. 3. Whatever we do, full preparations should be made in advance. 4. Those who are bold in exploring and not afraid of hardships are more likely to achieve success. 5. It’s wrong of parents to read their children’s letters without permission, for they should show respect for others’ privacy. Step3 1. 他写那篇文章花了三个星期expressed their opinions (freely) and had a heated discussion on environmental protection. (4分) 5. If Shanghai keeps developing/continues to develop at her present fast pace, it is hard to imagine what she will be/look like ten years from now/ in ten years. (5分) Step41. 大雪把很多人困在室内。 (keep)2. 你为什么觉得自己比同龄人优越? (superior)3. 政府敦促每一位市民在即将到来的世博会中充分发挥作用。 (urge)4. 志愿者们花了一周的时间把所有的捐赠物送到洪水灾民手中。 (It)5. 我的建议是预订宾馆前要把地段和设施考虑在内,但他却置之不理。 (consideration) The heavy snow kept many people indoors Why do you think you are superior to those of /about your age/your peers? The government urged every citizen to play his full/active part in the coming World Expo. It took the volunteers a week to deliver/send all the donations to the flood victims/the victims of the flood. My suggestion was that its locatio


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