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* Unit 4 Work for Peace Lesson 25 Talk! Don’t Fight! Grammar: Past Future Tense The past future tense means that something was going to happen at some time later than a certain time in the past. 过去将来时的构成: should/would + 动词原形 was/were going to + 动词原形 should用于第一人称 would用于所有人称 过去将来时的用法: 1. 表示从过去某一时间看将要发生的动作或存在的 状态。表示赞许、厌烦等情绪 He said he would come back the next day. I told them that I would go to Shanghai for holiday. Whenever he had time, he would do some reading. 2. 用“was/were going to + 动词原形”, 表示过去打 算或准备要做的事 He said he was going to see her this afternoon. We didn’t know whether they were going to give us a talk this afternoon. 请你观察过去将来时态的用法: 1. 过去将来时常用于宾语从句中 We didn’t know whether they were going to give us a talk this afternoon. I didn’t know when he would leave for Shanghai. 2. 过去将来时常用于间接引语中 He said he would come back the next day. He told me that he would go back soon. 学习过去将来时需要注意的问题: 1. 过去将来时和一般将来时的用法区别 I ____________________________________ (write) a letter next week. She said she _______________________________ (write) a letter the next week. 2. 过去将来时和过去完成时的用法区别 He said the plane_________ (leave) the already when he got to the airport. Li Ming said Bruce ___________________________(visit) Shijiazhuang the next week. will write/shall write/am going to write would write/was going to write had left would visit/was going to visit 用所给动词的适当形式填空: They were sure they __________________ (finish) the work on time. 2. I said I ____________________________________(buy) my pop from someone else later. 3. He wondered what his parents _____________________ (do) next. 4. She told us she _________________(go) with us if it was fine. 5. He said there _______________________(be) a meeting that afternoon. 6. I didn’t know if he ______________________________ ____________ (come) the next week. 7. I told him I ________________________


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