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本科毕业论文 中文题目:中国咖啡包装的现状 外文题目:The Current Situation of Chinese Coffee Packing 院 系 艺术学院 专 业 广告学(平面设计) 年 级 2010级 学 号 2010070440109 学 生 刘倩雯 指导教师 李万丽 结稿日期 2010年5月9日 四川外国语大学重庆南方翻译学院教务处制 2014年5月9日填 中国咖啡包装的现状 摘要:随着世界各地的联系慢慢增多,中国也迎来了很多新奇的商品,这些商品有一个共同的名字“舶来品”。舶来品进入中国从被消费者接受,到突破本土商品寻求更好的发展都是值得研究和探讨的。而咖啡作为经典的舶来品,它的发展可以很好的代表舶来品的发展。 咖啡进入逐渐被中国消费者接受,对于消费者来说,舶来品会引起好奇,但是只有很少的一部分人会去尝试,所以咖啡要想被中国消费者所接受、所购买,就必须在咖啡的包装上寻求突破点,使咖啡在逐渐优化的包装下获得更多的消费者。 随着我国生活水平的提高,我国消费者在选择购买咖啡的时候,开始越来越注重咖啡的品牌与文化。面对日益增多的咖啡品牌的出现,为了保持和发展自身的咖啡品牌,就需要不停的创新,才能在众多咖啡品牌中脱颖而出。 关键词:咖啡;品牌;包装;创新 The Current Situation of Chinese Coffee Packing Abstract: As the relation of the world get more and more closely with each other, some fancy goods have appeared in China. These goods are named ‘import goods’. From accept by consumer to search for better development, imports break through the local goods condition, it is very worth researching and discussing for us. The coffee belongs to the classical imports, the development of the coffee which could be described as representative. The coffee is gradually accepted by Chinese consumers. Consumers are curious about import, but only a small part of people will try. So if we want more and more Chinese try to accept and buy coffee, we should do some breakthrough on the packaging. Then those coffee will be favored and admires by consumers. As people’s standards of living rise, it means that consumer will pay more attention to the brand of coffee and culture. But there are so many famous coffee brand. In order to maintain and develop the brand of coffee, we need to innovate continuously. Then it will stand out from the numerous coffee brands. Keywords: coffee; brand; packaging; innovation 致谢 大学四年的生活已经进入尾声,美好的大学时光即将画上一个句号,心中是无尽的不舍与回忆。 回首这四年的日子,初次离家住校的我有太多的感想。这四年我取得了些许成绩,生活中有快乐


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