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2 0 0 9 11 40 11 * 徐立章 李耀明 马朝兴 李洪昌 (/, 2120 13)   【】 、, -, 。, 、 , 、、。: 11 625 kg/hm2 , 4.32 kg/s , 1.94%、0.89%、 0.84%、0.20%, 。 :     :S225.4 :A Design and Experiment of Threshing and Separating Unit with Double Axial Cylinder Xu Lizhang  Li Yaoming  M a Chaoxing  Li Hongchang (Key Laboratory of Modern A gricultural Equip m en t and Technology , Min is try of Education J iangsu P rov ince, Jiangs u Un iversity , Zhen iang 2120 13, China) Abstract Th total structur of a n w transv rs axial flow thr shing and s parating unit w ith doubl cylind r was d scrib d in d tail, along w ith th d sign sch m of th thr shing cylind r and concav . Th frontal thr shing d vic w as mad with th structur of short-rasp-bar, plat t th, th small distanc grid concav , and th post rior thr shing d vic w as compos d w ith th structur of th spik tooth cylind r w ith h lical blad s and th larg distanc grid concav .Th b nch t st show d that this d vic was appli d for th larg capacity and th difficult thr shing ric .It also has th following advantag s as high r thr shing, low r cl aning loss, th w ll-proportion d distribution of thr sh d stuff, and th littl trash cont nt, and so on.Th fi ld xp rim nt show d that th total loss rat is 1.94 %, th thr shing loss rat is 0.89%, th brok n rat is 0.84%, and th ration of trash cont nt is 0.20%w h n th f d rat is 4.32 kg/s.Various t chnical ind x s hav r ach d to th national standard. Key words Ric , Combin s, Axial flow, Doubl cylind r, Exp rim nt ,,    、 、


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