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25 2 ( ) V o l. 25 N o. 2
2010 4 JOU RNAL O F ZH ENGZHOU U N IV ER S ITY O F L IGHT INDU STRY ( N atu ral Sc ence) A pr. 2010
: 1004- 1478( 20 10) 02-0006-03
1, 2 1 2 1, 2
李志华 , 王建民, 田玉红, 宁振兴
( 1. 郑州轻工业学院烟草科学与工程学院, 河南郑州4 50002;
2. 广西中烟工业公司技术中心, 广西南宁 530001)
: 采用顶空- 气相色谱- 质谱法对 14 种不同产地烟叶浸膏的挥发性成分进行了定性定量分
析, 结果表明: 不同产地烟叶浸膏挥发性成分的种类和组成均不相同, 其中烟碱植醇是各种烟叶
浸膏中共有且含量较高的成分, 其他挥发性成分的含量虽低, 但其组成与烟叶质量间的关系却更
: 烟叶; 浸膏; 挥发性成分
: T S411. 2 : A
Com parative analysis of volatile com ponents
extract from different origin tobacco leaf
1, 2 1 2 1, 2
L I Zh -hua , WANG J an-m n , T IAN Y u-hong , N ING Zhen-x ng
( 1. College of Tobacco Sci. and Eng., Zhengzhou Univ. of L ight Ind. , Zhengzhou 450002, China;
2. Tech. Center of China Tobacco Guangxi Ind. Co. Ltd. , anning 54 5005, China)
Abs tract: U s ng headspace-GC-M S m ethod, 14 k nds o f vo lat le com ponents that ex tracted from d fferent
or g n tobacco leaf w ere qual tat vely and quant tat ve ly ana lyzed. T he results show ed that the extract com-
ponents from d fferen t or g ns were no t the sam e n type and compos t on. H ow ever, they had tw o sam e
com ponents n cot ne and phy to,l w h ch had a h gher content. But com pos t on o f the low er content com po-
nents had a c loser re la t onsh p w th the qual ty of lea.f
K ey w ords: tobacco; extract; vo lat le com ponents