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2007 15 1 45 儿童气管及支气管异物418 例临床分析 1 1 2 李丙华  苏立众  徐娅苹   【】 , 。  1998 1 ~2003 12 418 。 418 , 287 (68.7%), 、 62 (14.8%), 69 (16.5%); 145 (145/287, 50.5%), 78 (78/287, 27.2%), 12 (12/287,4.2%), 52 (52/287, 18.1%)。、 。 , X , 。。 【】;;;;; Clinical analysis on 418 children cases with tracheobronchial foreign body L I B inghua, S U L iz hong , X U Yap ing Dep t .of Oto lary ngo logy , Zhej iang P rovincia l Peop les Hosp ita l,H angz hou (310014) 【Abstract】Obj ective  To investigate the clinical pathological feat res of children cases with tra- cheobronchial foreign bodies and to s m p the experience with diagnosis and treatment for this condi- tion.Methods A retrospective st dy w as carried o t among 418 children cases w ith tracheobronchial foreign bodies treated in o r Hospital from 1, 1998 to 12, 2003.All these cases w ere operated on nder general or local anesthesia, w ith bronchoscopy and/or foreign body removing performed d ring this time.Results Among this gro p of children cases, 287 were fo nd w ith foreign bodies in trachea or bronch s(68.7%),62 with p r lent secretion aspirated from trachea and/or bronch s (14.8%), 69 with no foreign bodies fo nd in trachea and bronch s (16.5 %).F rthermore, 145 cases were fo nd with the foreign bodies in the right main bronch s (50.5%),78 were with the foreign bodies in the left main bronch s(27.2%), 12 cases w ith the foreign bodies in both sides of bronch s (4.2%), and 52 cases in trachea (18.1%)among the 287 cases w ith foreign bodies fo nd.The most freq ently fo nd foreign bodies w rer pean t,seed and bean.Conclusions  For the diagnosis of children cases with tracheobronchial foreign bodies, it is very


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