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智 课 网 G R E 备 考 资 料 别再把GRE词汇relevant翻译成“有关的”啦!-智课教 育旗下智课教育 别再把GRE词汇relevant翻译成“有关的”啦,GRE词汇 相信很多同学看到relevant的第一反应就是“相关的”,其实relev ant在GRE阅读中常用的意思是“重要的”,所以别再把GRE词汇releva nt翻译成“有关的”啦! 很多同学在GRE阅读时喜欢将relevant理解为“相关的”,但是在E TS的眼里面,relevant就要理解成“重要的”的意思,所以,irrelevan t就要理解为“不重要的”意思,别再把GRE词汇relevant翻译成“有关 的”啦! 我们先看大韦氏给出的解释: relevant: -having significant and demonstrable bearing on the matter at hand irrelevant: -not relevant 真题例句: 1. This caution is particularly relevant in an assessment of the differences between Black poets at the turn of the century (1900-1909) and those of the generation of the 1920’s. 当我们在评估00年代和20年代这两代黑人诗人之间的差异的时候, 这个警告就尤为重要了。 2. The passage is primarily concerned with discussing what data are most relevant for an accurate account of the relations between Chicago meat-packers and local labor agitators. 这篇文章主要讨论了什么数据对于芝加哥肉类加工者和当地的工人 运动煽动者之间的关系的精确解释来说是最重要的。 3. Ironically, now that photography is securely established as a fine art, many photographers find it pretentious or irrelevant to label it as such. 讽刺的是,既然摄影已经是一门精美的艺术 ,那么很多摄影师就会 认为给摄影打上这样的标签就是做作的或者不重要的。 4. The reference to the “psychological motivation” of the subject of The Autobiography of a Fox Indian Woman serves primarily to dismiss as irrelevant the personal perspective in the life-history study. 在The Autobiography of a FoxIndian Woman这本书的课题中 提到的心理学动机主要是因为在生活史的研究中个人的观点不重要而忽 略它。 5. According to the passage, Posner argues that legal analysis is not generally useful in interpreting literature because legal interpretations are only relevant to contemporary literature. 根据这篇文章,P认为法律分析在解读文学的时候并非总是有用的 ,因为法律的解读仅仅对当代文学是重要的。 下面我们再来看一道填空题: Hampshire’s assertions, far from showing that we can ____ the ancient puzzles about objectivity, reveal the issue to be even more____than we had thought. A. adapt.. pressing B. d


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