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完形填空1 It was an early morning in summer.In the streets,sleepy—eyed睡眼腥松的 people were moving quickly,heading towards their 1 jobs . This was the beginning of another 2 ordinary 普通的 day in New York City. 3But this day was to be different. Waiting 4above在..之上 the crowded拥挤的 streets,on top of a 5building 110 stories high,was Philippe Petit.This daring大胆的 Frenchman was about to正打算 6 walk tightrope(绷索)between the two towers of the World Trade Center. Philippe took his first 7step (take a step属固定搭配,意为“迈步”) with great care小心翼翼地.The wire held.Now he was 8sure he could do it, 9with only a balancing pole平衡杆,Philippe walked his way across,a 10distance 距离of 131 feet. Soon the rush-hour高峰时期 11 crowds 人群 began to notice.What a 12wonder奇迹 !There,1350 feet above the street,a 13 tiny 微小的 figure角色 was walking on air. Philippe made seven 14 trips 来回 ,back and forth(来回).He wasn’t satisfied满意 with just 15walking .At times,he would turn,sit down,and 16even连贯 go on his knees跪着.Once he had the astonishing 17 courage 勇气 to lie down on the thin thread细丝.And thousands of 18 terrified受惊吓的 watchers stared盯着看 with their hearts beating fast. After the forty—five—minute 19show表演 . Philippe was taken to the police station.He was asked 20why he did it.Philippe shrugged(耸肩)and said,“When I see two high buildings,I walk.” 1.A.jobs B.homes C.buses D.offices 2.A.working B.hot C.same D.ordinary 3.A.And B.So C.But D.Thus 4.A.for B.in C.by D.above 5.A.roof B.position C.wall D.building 6.A.throw B.walk C.climb D.fix 7.A.act B.landing C.step D.trip 8.A.sure B.uncertain C.glad D.nervous 9.A.Through B.Against C. With D.On 10.A.distance B.height C. space D.rope 11.A.street B.crowds C. passengers D.city


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