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学派网职称英语课程自推出以来,以优质的师资,精美的课件以及全方位的售后服务得到了 广大学员的认可与支持,在此学派网对大家表示感谢,并承诺秉承做精品,讲诚信的原则, 继续为2015 年考生提供优质课程。 点击听更多的2015 职称英语网课 学派网2015 职称英语课程根据2014 年职称英语出题变化做出了相应调整,特推出职称英语 词汇微课以及职称英语语法微课,并由职称英语第一人——学派网名师王霞独家主讲,帮 助多年没有接触职称英语的考生建立最基本的职称英语知识体系,从而让考生树立信心。在 此基础上通过详细分析职称英语教材各个题型的文章,总结职称英语出题规律及答题技巧, 帮助考生快速稳妥的拿下职称英语考试。 2015 职称英语我们的口号是:坚实的基础+精湛的技巧+科学的指导=通关2015 职称英语! 以下是学派网名师王霞考后第一时间对2014 职称英语考试真题解析的视频: 学派网2014 年职称英语真题解析_王霞_综合A_ 阅读理解 第4 部分:阅读理解 (第31~45 题,每题3 分,共45 分) 下面有3 篇短文,每篇短文后有5 道题。请根据短文内容,为每题确定 1 个最佳选 项。 第一篇 The National Trust The National Trust in Britain plays an increasingly important part in the preservation for public enjoyment of the best that is left unspoiled of the British countryside. Although the Trust has received practical and moral support from the Government, it is not a rich Government department. It is a voluntary association of people who care for the unspoiled countryside and historic buildings of Britain. It is a charity which depends for its existence on voluntary support from members of the public. Its primary duty is to protect places of great natural beauty and places of historical interest. The attention of the public was first drawn to the dangers threatening the great old houses and castles of Britain by the death of Lord Lothian, who left his great seventeenth-century house to the Trust together with the 4500-acre park and estate surrounding it. This gift attracted wide publicity and started the Trusts Country House Scheme”. Under this scheme, with the help of the Government and the general public, the Trust has been able to save and make accessible to the public about one hundred and fifty of these old houses2. Last year about one and three quarters of a million people paid to visit these historic houses, usually at a very small charge. In addition to country


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