Unit1 预学案PPT1.pptx

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Unit1 预学案PPT1

Unit1 ;1.百科全书 _______________________ 2.人的 _______________________ 3.恐龙 _______________________ 4.意大利人 __________________________ 5.发明家 _________________________ 6.音乐家 __________________________ 7.科学家 ___________________________ 8.出生 __________________________ 9.乡村,农村 _____________________ 10.才智,智慧 ____________________;11.有艺术天赋的 __________________ 12.才能,能力 __________________ 13.可能,大概 ____________________ 14.发明 _______________________ 15.笔记本 ________________________ 16.包括,包含 _____________________ 17.(强调出乎意料)甚至 _____________ 18.然而 __________________ 19.突然,忽然 _____________________ 20.没有人 ___________________;21.化石 ___________________ 22.(在比赛中)获胜,赢 ____________ 23.元(美国、加拿大等国货币单位) __________________ 24.在乡村,在农村 ____________________ 25.人类 ____________________ 26.灭绝,消失 _______________ 27.了解(到),弄清 _________________ 28.去散步____________;Complete the table below.;Read the title and the introduction on page 3. Then answer the questions.;You are going to read a short article about Leonardo da Vinci from an encyclopaedia. Before you start, try the quiz below. Circle the correct answers. There can be more than one answer.;Look at the pictures and the title of the first article on page 3. Then answer the questions below.;2;an inventor;;C1 The words in italics are from the first article on page 3. Circle the correct answers to complete these sentences.;Mona Lisa;D1 Below are some notes about the first encyclopaedia article on page 3, but some of the facts are wrong. Read the article and correct the notes if necessary.;;二。; 4 Today you can find dinosaurs _______. a in zoos b in museums c everywhere 5 Which of the following statements is NOT true? a Dinosaurs once lived on Earth. b All dinosaurs were very big. c Some dinosaurs could fly. ;Before you read;About dinosaurs;Circle the correct answer to complete this sentence.;What els


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