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整理过的~ 第一次课~单词~ 1、fortune / wealth财富 fortunate 幸运 If you say that someone or something is?fortunate, you mean that they are lucky.? fortunately 幸运 unfortunately 不幸的 wealthy 有钱的/ healthy健康的 Someone who is?wealthy?has a large amount of money, property, or valuable possessions.? 2、afterschool activities 课外活动 school activities校内活动 / interschool activities校际活动 international 国际/ intercity城市间的/interpersonal 人际的 Interpersonal?means relating to relationships between people. English corner 英语角 English club 英语俱乐部 student union 学生会 spring outing 春游 monitor election 竞选班长 debate competition 辩论赛(激烈的) speech contest 演讲比赛 competition 争霸赛(语气较为强烈) contest 竞赛(很简单的比赛没有多大竞争力 轻轻松松~ competitor 竞争对手 (1)A companys?competitors?are companies who are trying to sell similar goods or services to the same people.? (2) A?competitor?is a person who takes part in a competition or contest. contestant 竞争者 ?A?contestant?in a competition or game show is a person who takes part in it.? judge 法官裁判员 guest 客人,宾客顾客 host 东道主 主人 hostess 女主人 part-time 兼职 If someone is a?part-time?worker or has a?part-time?job, they work for only part of each day or week. volunteer 志愿者 A?volunteer?is someone who does work without being paid for it, because they want to do it. community service 社区服务 participate 相当于take part in参加 ?If you?participate?in?an activity, you take part in it.? participation 参与 term=semester 学期 3、exchange student 交换生 Application 应用,申请 An?application?for?something such as a job or membership of an organization is a formal written request for it. A apply for B A申请B A apply to B A适用于B 4、clear Obvious 明显 If something is?obvious, it is easy to see or understand. Evident 明显(李辉老师 明显是一个男的) ?If something is?evident, you notice it easily and clearly.? Evidently 显然地 Evidence 证据 ?Evidence?is anything that you see, experience, read, or are told that causes you to believe that something is


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