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《简明西方文明历史》教学大纲 教学目的: 通过课堂学习、小组讨论、课外阅读等多种学习形式,使学生了解西方国家政治、经济、文化、历史、哲学、宗教、艺术等方面的形成与发展,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,扩大学生知识面,开拓学生视野。 教学要求: 使学生了解理性与自由这两个西方文明核心思想的来源,从而对中西方价值观之间的差异有更清晰的认识。 教学内容简介: Chapter 1 The Ancient Near East:The First Civilizations The Rise to Civilization Mesopotamian Civilization Egyptian Civilization Empire Builders The Religious Orientation of the Near East Chapter 2 The Hebrews: A New View of God and the Individual Outline of Hebrew History God: One, Sovereign, Transcendent, Good The Individual and Moral Autonomy The Covenant and the Law The Hebrew Idea of History The Prophets The Legacy of the Ancient Jews Chapter 3 The Greek City-State:Democratic Politics Early Aegean Civilizations The Rise of Hellenic Civilization Evolution of the City-State Athenian Greatness The Decline of the City-States The Dilemma of Greek Politics Chapter 4 Greek Thought: From Myth to Reason Philosophy Art Poetry and Drama History The Greek Achievement: Reason,Freedom,Humanism Chapter 5 The Hellenistic Age: Cultural Diffusion Alexander the Great Hellenistic Society Hellenistic Culture Chapter 6 The Roman Republic: City-State to World Empire Evolution of the Roman Constitution Roman Expansion to 146 B.C. Culture in the Republic The Collapse of the Republic Chapter 7 The Roman Empire: A World-State Augustus and the Foundations of the Roman Empire The Pax Romana Signs of Trouble The Decline of Rome The Roman Legacy Chapter 8 Early Christianity: A World Religion Origins of Christianity Spread and Triumph of Christianity Growth of Christian Organization, Doctrine, and Attitudes Saint Augustine: The Christian World-View Christianity and Classical Humanism: Alternative World-Views Chapter 9 The Heirs of Rome: Byzantium, Islam, and Latin Christendom Byzantine Civilization: The Medieval Christian East Islamic Civilization: Its Development and Dissemination Latin Christendom: The Rise of Europe The Church: Shaper of Medieval Civilization The Kingdom of the Franks Medieval Society Chapter 10 The


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