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“三美”原则在汉诗英译中的应用初探 ——以长恨歌的两译本为例 [摘要] , 再求形美, 并力求三者统一。本文从意美 、音美 、形美角度赏析《长恨歌》的许译本和杨译本两译本,,旨在为中国古典诗词翻译提供一些借鉴和启示,更有效地促进我国文学翻译事业的健康发展。 [关键词]he “Three Beauties” Theory to English Translation of Chinese Poetry ——Taking Two Versions of an Expert in Song of Eternal Sorrow (The Everlasting Regret)) as an Example Abstract: Translation, a language practice to reproduce the content from one language to another, is one of the many language activities, which is used to achieve communication, disseminate cultural knowledge, and facilitate social civilization, especially to promote the prosperity of the target language culture. Translation is an everlasting art which is far beyond the language itself. Of all kinds of literature translation, the translation of poetry is more difficult than others. China is a nation of poetic compositions. Verses, ditties, odes and songs have been handed down from generation to generation by elites who are talented in prosodic writing. Mr. Xu Yuansong, a distinguished translator of poetry, introduced Mr. Lu Xun’s “Three Beauties” about Chinese language to the study of C-E poetry translation. He holds that every translator should try his best to pursue a unity of the “Three Beauties” in poetry translation. Meanwhile, he insists that the pursuit of beauty in sense should rank first, followed by beauty in sound and beauty in form. This thesis makes a study of two translated version of The Everlasting Regret(Song of Eternal Sorrow) in the three-beauties aspects, aiming to shed some light on the English translation of classical Chinese poetry and gear the literary translation towards a healthier course. Key words: The Everlasting Regret (Song of Eternal Sorrow); poetry translation; “Three Beauties” theory (TBT) 引言 诗歌是中国古典文学的精髓,它具有很强的意象性,充满丰富的想象,语言富有节奏感、音律美,再加上句法的不确定性,使得诗歌的翻译难于其他体裁的文章的翻译。鲁迅先生曾提出中国古诗的“三美”原则,即意美、音美、行美。诗歌翻译的特点:首先,主要是它的不确定性,用简短却优美的句子来表达复杂的情感,文章的主题、情感靠读者的想象力联合诗句来判断,所以就会出


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