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学术报告presentation 常用的承接句 现在即使是搞技术,做科研的,也需要在不同的场合,用ppt来做分享,做汇报,做总结。 如果国际会议,研讨会,或者在外企,国外工作,英文的presentation就更加必不可少。英语的提升需要大家从听说读写上一点点积累。 这里分享一些常用的承接句,希望对要做presentation有所帮助。 承接句主要有几个作用: 1)开场,调节听众情绪。 2)过渡衔接不同部分内容 3)与观众互动,提升演讲效果 4)当自己一下子蒙蔽的时候,给自己一些思考回忆的时间。 5)遇到一些突发情况下时救场 我们按照不同的作用来分别举些例子 1)开场,调节听众情绪。 最简单的,走上讲台,平复下自己的情绪,然后说:Right, lets get started. 如果有人介绍你出场的,那感谢一下他或者chariman。 如果一般的场合 可以说?Hello?everyone. 如果正式点可以?Hello, Ladies and?gentleman接着简单介绍下自己,什么名字,职位,单位。 这个时候注意一定要和观众有眼神交流,保持微笑,拉近与观众的距离 进阶:如果是比较轻松的场合,可以根据需要说下和报告或者和主办方有关的有趣的经历或者开个玩笑,或者做个小调查什么的,让大家把注意力集中到台上。 Before I start my speech, let me ask you a question. By showing of hands,how ……? 也可以注意下细节,比如问下话筒声音是否够 Can you hear me all right? Is my voice too loud? 2)过渡衔接不同部分内容 整体内容和目录 除非是对整体演讲的节奏非常有把握,或者是一些时间有限制, 比如5分钟之内的演讲,可以不用概述整体内容外,最好有一个outline,让大家能够明白今天你要说哪些内容,各部分的主题是什么。 比较简单的,Today I am going to give a presentation on…. / The purpose of this presentation is to... I am going to start with a general overview and then focus on …(…in general,… more particularly). there are five main aspects to this topic (...the first, ... the second, ...a third, ...another, ... the final). 引出下一部分内容 lets move on. We will now come to the second problem As the second section, I shall stop here. Now let s turn our attention to the third section. Next, I would like to turn to a more difficult problem. 返回之间讲的内容 Let s come back to what I said in the first part of my speech At this point, I would like to refer again to the question of methods in the first part of my lecture. 要开始讲具体的方法时 I think this part is the most difficult, so Ill explain it in greater detail. I think this part of my paper is most important, so I plan to spend more time on it. 想跳过某个具体的方法时 Limited by the time available, I can only give you a very brief account of this matter/I will not go into detail on it. This point has been talked about repeatedly in this symposium, so I am not going to spend too much time on it. 总结内容 Weve discussed many points today. Let me quickly summarize the


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