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虽然每个人都有自己的独特性,正如一片片不同形状的树叶一样,但是在性格方面,从总体上来看,主要有内向和外向。在当今激烈的市场竞争和强调“展现自我”为主题情况下,内向性格的人在职场中的某些方面显得非常的吃力。Although each has its own unique, as a piece of different shapes of the leaves are the same, but in the disposition aspect, from the general point of view, mainly introversion and extroversion. In todays fierce market competition and emphasize the self as the theme of circumstances, introverts some aspects in the workplace is very difficult.  那么内向性格的人怎样才能在职场的道路上走的更加从容和自信呢?小编根据自己多年的职场经验,认为首先要找到职业的适合度,其次,要进行职业规划。So introverted people how to work on the road more calm and confident? Xiaobian according to his many years of work experience, think first of all to find a suitable degree of occupation, and secondly, to occupation planning.  职业的适合度能直接影响一个人的工作业绩和晋升,因此,当你在工作时,要仔细分析下自己的职业适合度到底有多大。同时在进行职业适合度分析时,还需要结合自己的个性、能力、兴趣等方面。Occupation suitable degree can influence a persons job performance and promotion, therefore, when you work, careful analysis of their occupation fit exactly how much. At the same time, the occupation for analysis, but also need to combine their own personality, ability, interest, etc..  什么是内向?What is inside?  内向的人从心理学的角度来看,是指那些倾向于关注自己内心想法和感受,对外在的环境和他人往往不太关注,其内心是敏感、细腻的。一般来说,内向的人有以下特征:在人际交往上是腼腆的害羞的;喜欢独处,不太喜欢参与群体活动;比较习惯于沉浸在个人的精神世界里,喜欢思考,但也容易敏感多疑;在做事和人际交往上,一般会比较被动、固执拘谨等。Introverted people from the psychological point of view, are those that tend to focus on their inner thoughts and feelings, in the external environment and others often do not pay much attention to, the heart is sensitive, delicate. In general, the introvert has the following characteristics: in the interpersonal relationship is shy shy; love alone, not too likes to participate in group activities; more accustomed to thinking in immersion like personal spiritual world,, but also easy to sensitive suspicious; in work and interpersonal relationships, generally will be more passive, stubborn and etc..  很多人会觉得内向是不好的,内向的人不接受自己的内向,把它与不善交际、固执等联系起来。实际上,内向的人有很多优点,如虽然他们社交能力不强,但他们往往对人很真诚,值得信任;虽然朋友不


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