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计算机研究与发展 ISSN CN 111777/ TP Journal of Computer Research and Develop ment 42 ( 11) : 20 18~2024 , 2005 软件构架动态行为建模与检测 1 ,2 2 何  坚   覃  征 1 (北京工业大学软件学院 北京  100022) 2 (西安交通大学电子与信息工程学院电子商务研究所  西安  7 10049) (J ianhee @163com) Model ing and Checking the Behavior of Sof t ware Architecture He J ian1 ,2 and Qin Zheng2 1 ( ) S chool of S of tw are Eng ineering , B eij ing University of Technology , B eij ing 100022 2 ( ) ECom merce I ns tit ute , S chool of Elect ronic an d I nf orm ation Eng ineering , X i ’an J iaotong University , X i ’an 7 10049 Abstract  Since architect ure description languages are not cap able enough in analyzing and validating t he dynamic behavior of software architect ure , t he hierarchical framework for software architect ure is p ropo sed in t his p aper , in which t he abst ract algebra is used to abst ract t he component s , connector s and architect ural configuration Meanwhile , t he p redicate t ransition ( PrT) net is int roduced to model t he dynamic behavior of software architect ure , and an efficient modelchecking algorit hm based on t he linear temporal logic (L TL ) is discussed in det ails Finally , t he app roach to model a current cont rol mechanism in an Ecom merce system and checking result s based on L TL are shown in det ails It can be demonst rated by p ractice t hat t he modelingandchecking met hod p resented combines t he advant ages of linear temporal logic wit h t ho se of PrT net , so t hat it p rovides novel app roaches to analyze and validate t he


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