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涉外商务合同的翻译 Week 7 第一节 合同及涉外商务合同的概念和结构特点 1. 合同的基本概念 合同,也叫契约。“契”,即意思相投或相合;“约”是使用语言或文字互订共守的条件。合同和契约的含义是一样的,意思是愿意订立共同遵守的条件,合作共事。《中华人民共和国民法通则》第85条规定:“合同当事人之间设立、变更、终止民事关系的协定”(A contract shall be an agreement whereby the parties establish, change or terminate their civil relationship)。 《中华人民共和国合同法》第2条规定:“合同是平等主体的自然人、法人、其他组织之间设立、变更、终止民事权利义务的协议”(Contracts referred to in this Law are agreements between equal natural persons, legal persons and other organizations for the purpose of establishing, altering and terminating mutual civil rights and obligations)。 2. 涉外商务合同的结构特点 涉外商务合同虽然种类繁多,标的各异,但究其结构而言,一般有三个部分:前言、正文、结尾。 商务合同的种类 正式合同 Contract 协议书 Agreement 确认书 Confirmation 备忘录 Memorandum 意向书 Letter of intent 正式合同的类型是指合同是属于国际货物销售合同(Contract for international sale of goods)、专有技术许可郑合同(license/know-how contract)、成套设备技术引进合同(Contract for introduction of complete plant and technology)或是其他合同(other contracts)。 商务合同的构成部分 合同名称 Title 2.1合同的前言(前文) Preamble 1) Date of signing 2) Signing parties 3) Each party’s authority (当事人的合法依据) 4)Place of signing 5) Recitals or WHEREAS clause (定约缘由) 涉外商务合同的前言部分,主要包括两方面的内容:其一,主要载明合同当事人的名称或者姓名、国籍、主营业务或者住所(the corporate or personal names of the parties to the contract and their nationalities, principal places of business or residential addresses); 其二,合同签订的日期、地点(the date and place of signing of the contract)。 以上两项主要解决以下法律问题:合同的主体是谁;订约人是否具有合法主体资格,合同及合同争议应适用的法律;合同履行的地点;合同生效、终止、履行日期及争议时的司法管辖权等。例如: This contract is made this 29th day of March, 2010 in Shanghai, China by and between ABC Corporation, China (hereinafter referred to as “Seller”), a ______ Corporation having their principal office in Shanghai, China, who agrees to sell, and XYZ Corporation (hereinafter referred to as “Buyer”), a _______ Corporation having their principal office in New York, N.Y., USA, who agrees to buy the following goods on the terms and conditions as below: 本合同由中国


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