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房 屋 租 赁 合 同 Tenancy Agreement 房 屋 租 赁 合 同 Tenancy Agreement 一. 出租人: (以下简称“甲方”) Landlord: (hereinafter referred to as Party A) 代表人 二. 承租人: (以下简称“乙方) Tenant : (hereinafter referred to as Party B) 三. 租赁范围及用途: Tenancy: 甲方同意将其所有的位于 中国上海市 室房屋及其设施(包括家具和电器) 平方米。 Party A hereby agrees to lease its property located at Unit , Shanghai, PRC, and the related facilities (including furniture and appliances) in good and tenantable condition to Party B for residential use. The size of the leased property is approximately m2. 乙方指定物业使用者为 。 The said Occupant is n. 四、 租赁期: Term of Tenancy: 租赁期为 年,自 年 月 日至 年 月 日。 The above property is hereby leased for a term of 1 year(s), commencing on and expiring on . 4.2 租赁期满,甲方有权收回全部租赁房屋,乙方应如期交还。乙方如要求续租,须在本合同期满日前二个月向甲方提出书面申请,除了双方衷诚地协议续租的年期及租金外,双方将按于本合约相同的条款另行签订续租合同。 On expiry of the tenancy, Party A has the right to take back the entire leased property, and Party B shall deliver the leased property to Party A. If Party B asks for renewing the lease, Party B shall give Party A 2 months’ written application in advance before the expiration date, and get the renewal agreement signed by both parties on the same terms and conditions as this Agreement save and except that the Parties shall negotiate and agree upon in good faith, the renewal terms and monthly rental. 在租赁期满十个月后,乙方可以提前二个月书面通知甲方终止此合同,并同意甲方在此期间安排潜在客户参观该物业。After the tenth month of the tenancy, the Tenant may terminate this said Agreement by giving the Landlord two (2) calendar months notice in writing, and agree the landlord to show the apartment to potential tenant. 在乙方付清本合同项下规定其应该支付的费用后十五个工作日内全额无息将二个月保证金如数归还乙方。如乙方在已经办理了退房手续支付所有的费用后十五个工作日内未收到甲方归还的全额押金,则视为逾期未归还押金,每逾期一天超出归还日期后未支付,乙方须按日加付租金 3 %的滞纳金。The two months’ deposit shall be returned to Party B in full within 15 working days after the check-out procedure has


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