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Benjamin Frankin(1706-1790)自传分析
1. General introduction
First of its kind in literature
Record of a man rising to wealth and fame from a state of poverty and obscurity.
Account of the career of America’s first self-made man.
Altogether 4 parts;He spent around 20 years in writing this book, it covers four parts.
The first part tells us his first 25 years’ life experience including the limited school life and the experience in printing factory and it shows us how diligent he was in tough environment then he gained success in printing trade and got married through his diligence.
The second part mainly describes his achievements and interests in scientific studying and it also covers some social public utilities.
The third and the forth parts describes his life from 25 to 51.As to his later 31 years typically his achievements and experiences in European and American political circles he just mentioned in the last two parts.; It is a Puritan document
A record of self-examination and self-improvement
Chart of thirteen virtues ---- “order”
The belief that God help those who help themselves and that every calling is a service to God;Characters;William Franklin,Benjamins son and royal governor of New Jersey in 1771 when Ben begins writing the work. Ben begins the Autobiography as a letter to William with the intent of telling him about his life.;Parents,Bens parents were named Josiah and Abiah. Abiah is mentioned very little. Josiahs second wife, she mothered ten children with him. Ben was the eighth of these children. Josiah took a large interest in Benjamin, teaching how to debate and how to write effectively. Ben respected him enormously. After both parents died, Ben had them buried and erected a monument to them in a prominent Boston cemetery.;James Franklin,Franklin older brother who owns a printing house in Boston. Ben is apprenticed to James when Ben is 12, and while they do not always get along very well, Ben learns much from James and proves to be quite helpful. When James is
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