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CS352 Fall,2005 Queueing Theory 2008 Queueing theory definitions (Bose) “the basic phenomenon of queueing arises whenever a shared facility needs to be accessed for service by a large number of jobs or customers.” (Kleinrock) “We study the phenomena of standing, waiting, and serving, and we call this study Queueing Theory. Any system in which arrivals place demands upon a finite capacity resource may be termed a queueing system.” (Mathworld) “The study of the waiting times, lengths, and other properties of queues.” 排队论是专门研究带有随机因素,产生拥挤现象的优化理论。也称为随机服务系统。 Applications of Queueing Theory Telecommunications Determining the sequence of computer operations Predicting computer performance One of the key modeling techniques for computer systems / networks in general Vast literature on queuing theory Nicely suited for network analysis Traffic control Airport traffic, airline ticket sales Layout of manufacturing systems Health services (eg. control of hospital bed assignments) Queuing theory for studying networks View network as collections of queues FIFO data-structures Queuing theory provides probabilistic analysis of these queues Examples: Average length (buffer) Average waiting time Probability queue is at a certain length Probability a packet will be lost Model Queuing System Use Queuing models to Describe the behavior of queuing systems Evaluate system performance Characteristics of queuing systems Kendall Notation 1/2/3(/4/5/6) Arrival Distribution Service Distribution Number of servers Total storage (including servers) (infinite if not specified) Population Size (infinite if not specified) Service Discipline (FCFS/FIFO) Distributions M: stands for Markovian / Poisson , implying exponential distribution for service times or inter-arrival times. D: Deterministic (e.g. fixed constant) Ek: Erlang with parameter k Hk: Hyperexponential with param. k G: General (anything) P


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