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;;1) Inviting friends to a party Sally: Hello, William. What’re you going to do tomorrow evening? William: Tomorrow evening? Nothing special. Sally: I’m inviting a few friends to my daughter’s birthday party. How would you like to join us? William: Great. That would be . Congratulations ! 2) Inviting friends to a dinner Mary: We’d love to have you over for dinner Saturday. Robert: Oh, thank you. What time should I come? Mary: How about eight o’clock? Robert: OK. Thank you for inviting me. ;3) Inviting friends to a movie Paul: What’re you doing on Saturday night? Molly: I’m not sure. Why? Paul: Well, I was thinking of asking you to go to a movie with me this weekend. Molly: Oh, why not? 4) Declining an invitation to go roller-skating Mike: Would you like to go roller-skating with me this Saturday afternoon? Sarah: Saturday afternoon? I’m afraid I won’t be able to. Mike: What about Sunday afternoon? Sarah: That would be nice. 5) Declining an invitation to go out to dinner Steve: Well, thank goodness it’s Friday, Jean. Cindy: Yes, it was a long week, Ken. Steve: Would you like to go out to dinner tonight? I’d like to take you somewhere really special. Cindy: Oh, thanks, but ... maybe some other time. I’m very busy tonight.;2 Work in pairs and perform the tasks by following the above mini-talks. Refer to the Data Bank in the Workbook for relevant expressions.;3 Invitation cards are often used for inviting people. Now let’s read the following invitation cards and letters and try to use the information in them in your face-to- face talks.;Back;4 Read the following sample dialogues and try to perform your own tasks.;Back;5 Imagine you are a friend of Jennifer. Tomorrow is your birthday. You are inviting her to come to your birthday party. Fill in the blanks according to the Ch


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