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摘 要 太阳能热水器顺呼时代发展的要求,满足人们对环保绿色产品的需求,在人类文明程度日益提高的今天,因其无污染、使用方便、长期投入成本低等特点,而越来越受到人们的青睐,但与之配套的控制器却还一直处于研究和开发阶段。本文结合实际太阳能热水器的具体应用,介绍利用8051单片机设计的太阳能热水器智能控制器的硬件设计和软件设计方案,采用DSl2887芯片实现时间设定、温度设定与各种控制功能,DSl2887芯片具有保存功能,断电时无需重设参数;采用DS18b20温度传感器实现了温度的测量;软件才用模糊控制算法可以根据各种环境因素利用辅助加热使蓄水箱内的水温在预定时间达到设定温度,增加了水位检测和自动上水电路以及防干烧电路,并具有时间显示,水温显示功能。本文所设计的一套全自动太阳能热水器控制器具有使用方便、稳定性高、节能等特点,为用户使用热水提供了极大的方便。 关键词: 太阳能热水器; 传感器; 模糊控制; 实时时钟; 单片机 Abstract Solar water heater called Shun of the age and environmental protection to meet the peoples demand for green products,in increasing level of human civilization today,its free,easy-to-use,low cost long-term investment, and more and more popular,but still be compatible with the controller has been in research and development stage.this article solar water heater combined with the specific practical applications, introduced the 8051 design of the use of solar water heater intelligent controller hardware design and software design,use of time DSl2887 chip set,the temperature control functions with a variety of settings,DSl2887 chip with the preservation function,no need to reset when power parameters,DS18b20 temperature sensor using a temperature measurement,the software only with fuzzy control algorithm can be based on a variety of environmental factors make the use of auxiliary heating of the water temperature inside the storage time to reach the target temperature,an increase of water level detection and automatic circuit Sheung Shui,as well as anti - dry circuit,and a time display.Temperature display function,this paper designed a fully automatic solar water heater controller with easy-to-use, high stability,energy-saving characteristics of high relevance for the user to use hot water to provide a great convenience. Key Words: Solar Water Heater; Sensor; Vague control; Real clock; Single Chip Microcomputer(SCM) 目 录 绪论 1 1 太阳能热水器的国内外发展现状和应用意义 2 1.1 目前太阳能热水器的国内外发展现状 2 1.2 太阳能热水器的应用及意义 3 2 太阳能热水器的组成及工作原理 5 2.2 系统总体结构设计 5 2.2 太阳能热水器基本原理 5 3


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