Nucleolus organizer regions, types of association and identification of carrier chromosomes in domestic sheep 英文参考文献.docVIP

Nucleolus organizer regions, types of association and identification of carrier chromosomes in domestic sheep 英文参考文献.doc

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Nucleolus organizer regions, types of association and identification of carrier chromosomes in domestic sheep 英文参考文献

M A C6 Facultad de VeterinaRodero-Franganilloria, Departamento de Genética y Mejora (Received 20 November 1989; accepted 15 May 1990) Summary - The frequency of chromosomes carrying nucleolus organizer regions (NOR- positive) and the percentage of association between these R-NOR fication of the chromosome regions involved as the telomeric ends of chromosomes 1 (lp), 2 (2q), 3 (2q), 4 and 25. nucleolus organizer regions / sequential R-NOR banding / sheep Résumé -Régions de l’organisateur nucléolaire, types d’associations et d’identification des chromosomes porteurs chez le mouton. La fréquence de chromosomes porteurs de la région d’organisation nucléolaire (NOR) et le pourcentage d’association entre chromo- somes NOR-positifs ont été étudiés chez le mouton. La méthode de marquage séquentiel R-NOR chromosomes 1 (1p), 2 (2q), 3 (3q), 4 et Thesilver-staining technique developed by Goodpasture and Bloom (1975) permit- ted the differential staining of chromosome proteins from particular regions of the chromosome, the nucleolus organizer regions. Miller et al (1976) showed that only the active NORs were stained with silver in human-mouse somatic cell hybrids. In domestic sheep, the NORs are located in the telomeric regions of 5 pairs of chromosomes. In this the frequency distribution of these chromosomes is determined, and the NOR-carrier chromosomes are identified using the R-NOR sequential banding technique. * MATERIALS AND METHODS jugular vein of 12 Spanish Merino sheep original and cultured with autologous plasma as a modification of the culture method described by De Grouchy et al (1964). The metaphase spreads and for each spread, the number of NOR-positive chromosomes was recorded. The preparations were examined under light micrographs of the best R-banded metaphases were taken using Kodalith film and printed on Valca No 2 paper. The R-NOR sequential Ag-NOR chromosomes of sheep (fig 1). The nucleolus organizer regions are located on the t



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