基于人工智能的快论文排版系统研究 毕业论文.docx

基于人工智能的快论文排版系统研究 毕业论文.docx

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毕 业 论 文基于人工智能的快论文排版系统研究学生姓名: 专业班级:计算机131班指导教师:**教授学 院:信息学院2017年 6月 东北林业大学本科毕业论文 PAGEII PAGEIII 基于人工智能的快论文排版系统研究 摘要 快论文()是一款专业的毕业论文在线排版系统,上传论文草稿,选定学校模板,点击一键排版,只需几分钟就可完成论文排版,免费下载预览,满意后付款。快论文平台现已汇集了全国617所高校权威毕业论文模板,均源自各校官方最新发布的毕业论文撰写规范,基本涵盖了各类高校毕业论文格式要求。 据统计,毕业论文排版涉及的几十项格式设置中,80%的操作都属于不常用操作,因此绝大多数同学以前没用过,以后用到的概率也很低,但为了达到排版的规范,却需要花费大量的时间去解读论文撰写规范和学习这些不常用的word操作。面对复杂的格式规范,大多数同学熬夜反复调整修改却还是存在各种各样的问题。 基于人工智能的快论文排版系统,剔除了人们手动排版时不可避免的误操作,和由于视觉疲劳导致的错漏等,较之传统的人工排版方式,质量更可靠,价格更优惠,速度更快捷。快论文平台秉持人性化的设计理念,在充分研究分析人们的操作习惯的基础上,针对应届毕业的大学生,充分考虑其个性需求,设计并开发完成了一个界面简洁、功能强大、操作便捷的毕业论文排版和编辑系统,帮助大学生提高毕业论文写作效率和提升毕业论文质量。 快论文根据各个高校官方的论文写作规范要求,分别构建了属于各高校自己的定制模板,更准确,更便捷,是国内最大的毕业论文排版平台。 关键词:快论文;专业排版;质量可靠;价格优惠;值得信赖 Abstract Research on Kuai65 Typesetting System Based on Artificial Intelligence Abstract is a professional online system for paper typesetting. Uploading your draft, choose the template of your school, then click the instant typesetting button. It only takes a few minutes to complete paper typesetting, You can download the previews for free.If you are satisfied,then pay for it.Our platform has collected thesis templates of 617 universities of the county,which full fill the latest official specification and cover all kinds of colleges and universities. Kuai65 based on the technology of artificial intelligence.It avoid the wrong operations which happenned when people manual typesetting or the mistakes due to visual fatigue. Compared with traditional way of artificial typesetting, has more reliable quality and faster speed with lower price.To achieve the concept of humanized desigh and help students improve the efficiency and quality of thesis writing ,we did reserch on the habits of people’s operation habit, and then made this system powerful,easy to operate,also with simple interface to full fill the requirement of the indivisual graduations. Kuai65 is the nations largest thesis typesettting platform, custom more accurate, more convenient template acco



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