牛津译林版高中英语选修6Unit 2“What is happiness to you”(Word power)课件.pptVIP

牛津译林版高中英语选修6Unit 2“What is happiness to you”(Word power)课件.ppt

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牛津译林版高中英语选修6Unit 2“What is happiness to you”(Word power)课件

Share our poems happiness is five different crayons. catching a firefly. setting him free. happiness is being alone every now and then. and happiness is coming home again. happiness is morning and evening, day time and night time too. for happiness is anyone and anything at all thats loved by you. happiness is having a sister. sharing a sandwich. getting along. happiness is singing together when day is through, and happiness is those who sing with you. happiness is morning and evening, daytime and nighttime too. for happiness is anyone and anything at all thats loved by you. A guessing game Work in groups of four to invent a situation to express different emotions or feelings. Speak in front of the audience and ask them to guess the words. * * * * * * 牛津高中英语 (模块六 ·高二上学期) Word Power Unit 2 Unit 2 课件描述: 本节课以拓展表达情感方面的词汇为主。在授课过程中,关注学生的参与度及自主学习方式的培养,并力求设置合理情景,培养学生的实际运用能力。 Discussion Would you please think of as many words as possible to express happiness? gladness pleasure cheer delight joy overjoy satisfaction amusement contentment common characteristics (abstract) nouns to express strong feelings and emotions Abstract nouns represent things that cannot be experienced through touch, taste, sight, hearing or smell. Apart from noun forms, emotional words have adjective forms. Complete the following chart: happiness gladness pleasure cheer delight joy overjoy satisfaction amusement contentment Nouns pos i t i ve Adjectives happy glad pleased cheerful delighted joyful overjoyed satisfied amused content emotions happiness anger sadness joy Love understanding desire anger annoy madness craziness sadness upset misery (痛苦;苦恼) depression frustration disappo



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