On the Higher Vocational Education Group.doc

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On the Higher Vocational Education Group

On the Higher Vocational Education Group Abstract: Group of Higher Vocational Education of China’s future development of strategic choice. In this paper, the concept of Higher Vocational Education Group connotation to start with economic theory, sociology, political science theoretical explanation of Higher Vocational Education Group, the necessity of the existence and development, and from higher vocational education, the type of group, organizational structure, management system, Group of four aspects of culture and higher vocational education groups discussed. Keywords:: business groups; higher vocational education; Higher Vocational Education Group Higher Vocational Education Group connotation of the concept of Grouping is an economic concept, Higher Vocational Education Group is a borrowed form of organizational development of enterprises, namely, enterprise groups, to organize the development of China’s higher vocational education. Thus, in his definition of Higher Vocational Education Group is necessary before we find out what is enterprise groups. ‘Enterprise Group is a powerful enterprise as the core, linking property rights as the main link through the products, technology, economics, contracts and other means to link together multiple business units posed a multi-level organizational structure Legal Consortium. ‘① Peking University Guanghua School of Management doctoral tutor Cao Fengqi that: enterprise groups, especially large enterprise groups, will help China’s economic structural adjustment and optimization of allocation of resources, to enhance participation in world competition in China’s economic strength. According to the meaning of enterprise groups, this article of Higher Vocational Education Group, the following understanding: Higher Vocational Education Group refers to one or more of stronger high school vocational institutions as the core, to lease or assets linked bond, from a number of with independent legal personality and the re


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