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Mode of thinking 思维模式 Mode of thinking 思维模式 Mode of thinking 思维模式 Difference in Mode of thinking 思维模式差异 The western mode is linear, inclined to dissect things into parts and analyze their properties, stressing abstract reasoning and characterized mainly by its analytical nature. Plato (428 -347 B.C.) 柏拉图 Mode of thinking 思维模式 Referring to Western mode of thinking, Qian Xuesen (1986) said: “Abstractive thinking seems to be linear or branch-like. “抽象思维似乎是线型或枝型的。” — 钱学森 Referring to Chinese mode of thinking, Shen Xiaolong (1990) said: “This is a circular dialectic mode of thinking with a strong plastic, flexible and stochastic nature. “这是一种有着极强可塑性、伸张性、随机性的圆式辩证思维方式。” — 申小龙 Western cuisine strictly-followed recipe, precise quantity of ingredients regular, established procedure 西餐厨师烹饪,各种配料严格计量,操作程序步步分清。 Logic(逻辑) Intuition(直觉) rational 理性 perceptual 感性 definite 明晰 fuzzy 模糊 precise 严谨 sagacious 睿智 deductive 演绎 inductive 归纳 天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。 Storms gather without warning in nature; bad luck befalls men overnight. Yang Hsien-yi The weather and human life are both unpredictable. Hawkes Abstract concepts Conclusion 结论 Afterthought 追加的话 Difference: a matter of degree 差异只是程度之差 Exceptions and counter-evidence 不乏例外和反证 Purpose: not to judge, but to promote understanding 比较的目的并非判定孰优孰劣,而是促进理解。 The moon of the west is not rounder and the sun of the east has its spots as well. 西方的月亮并不更圆,东方的太阳也有黑子。 Imaginal 形象 Abstract 抽象 3 a western diagram of lines of abstraction 线型抽象 a Chinese picture of double-fish images 双鱼形象 人无千日好,花无百日红。 Man cannot be always fortunate; flowers do not last forever. Nobody can always be happy. 疾风知劲草,患难见真情。 Strong winds test sturdy grass; calamities reveal true friendship. In calamities one sees tr


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