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豆丁网 开始浏览 牛津英语模块三、四期末复习基础知识考前精华版 重点单词(模块III) (Unit 1) observe; deserted; volunteers; confidently; (make) progress; drown; jewellery (Unit 2)confusing; European; official; create; modern; department; spread-spread-spread; opposite; pronounce—pronunciation; (Unit 3)civilizations; unfortunately/ luckily; gradually; remains; wooden; concerned; citizens; influence 重点单词(模块IV) (Unit 1)persuasive; intended/ meant; educate; customer; creative; satisfied; imagination; recommend; convenient; available; particular (Unit 2)honourable; significance; separate; medal; contribution; international; involved; physical (Unit 3)extraordinary; character; announce; employ; southern; fantastic; thrilled 重点词组(模块III) (Unit 1)pay back; be frozen with; be related/ linked/ connected to; can’t help do/ to do sth.(不能帮助做某事); can’t help doing sth.; avoid doing sth.; beat with fear; beat/ defeat sb.; make sense; with his hand resting on her arm; the chances of being attacked; nowhere to be seen; be likely to do sth.; lie in that; make the best of Their dream is the good use we make of our spare time for our study of science. These two countries are similar in that they both have a high snowfall during winter. (Unit 2) pick up; contribute to; raise/ rise; combine A with B; despite=in spite of; contain---include; become a friend of whoever shares her interest; result in/ lead to/ cause; find sb. seated (Unit 3) be buried alive; be made (/) director/ president of; prevent sb. from doing sth.? prevent sth. from being done; be involved in discovering the preserved body; make sth. a success; in return for; in good condition; in memory/ honour of; find sb. surrounded by girls from surrounding villages; be found doing sth.? find sb. doing sth.; remain to be seen (remain系动词,无被动) 重点词组(模块IV) (Unit 1) be intended/ meant for/ to do sth.; lead/ live better lives; stay/ remain the same; get sb. to do sth.; cure sb. of sth.; persuade sb. to do sth.= persuade sb. into doing sth.; shall he/ they…?; be
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