牛津Unit 6 Travelling around Asia.doc

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牛津Unit 6 Travelling around Asia

Unit 6 Travelling around Asia 第1课时(Reading) 【学习目标】: 1、掌握一些有关Reading的单词,要求学生会读。 2、能够辨认图片,掌握生词。 3、对课文有大致的了解。 【学习重点】: 掌握一些有关Reading的单词 【学习难点】: 正确地朗读单词和词组。 【学习过程】: 一、导入 Answer the following questions 1) Do you want to visit Beijing? 2) Do you know some interesting places of Beijing? 二、自主学习 Task 1 Look at the pictures on page 71 and answer the following questions. 1) What are Hi and Lo looking at? 2) Where is Hong Kong? 3) Why does Lo want to visit Hong Kong? Task 2 1. Look at the pictures on page 72 and say their meanings. 2. In pairs, discuss and answer the questions. 1) Do you know these pictures? Which cities are they in? 2) Which place do you like best? Why? 3. Students read the words. 三、合作学习 1. Look at these pictures and work in pairs . Eg. A:I like West Lake best, because it is beautiful. What about you? B: I like 2.1) look at the article on page 73 . Read the title and the sub-headings .then circle the correct answers. 2) Students work in pairs and finish B on page 72. 3) Check the answers. 四、拓展练习 英汉互译 1. 故宫 2. 外滩 3. 西湖 4. 海洋公园 5 . area 6. traditional 7. modern 8. Yu Garden 第2课时(Reading) 【学习目标】: 1、熟练掌握reading中的生词,要求学生会读。 2、理解文章内容。并掌握文中出现的重点词组。 【学习重点】: 掌握文中出现的重点词组。 【学习难点】: 能够就文章内容作答。 【学习过程】: 一、Dictation 二、自主学习、 Task 1 1) Students read the article and try to understand it. 2)Write down the new words and sentences they don't know on the blackboard.. Task 2 1). Learn the new words .With the help of the new words and try to translate it. 2). Then several students turn it into Chinese. Task 3 Read the article and translate the phrases into Chinese . 1)People'Square 2)public area 3)Shanghai Grand Theatre 4)light up 5)natural beauty 6)walk along 7)outside the garden Task 4 1) S


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