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词语辨析 lesson 1 Rock Superstars adulation, admiration ????? adulation: excessive admiration or praise, flattery 奉承 ????? admiration: feeling of respect, warm approval 钦佩,佩服 argue, debate ????? argue: give reasons for or against sth. esp. with the aim of ???????????? persuading sb. 争论 ????? debate: formally argue, esp. defend one’s position and attack ????????????? his opponent’s point of view 辩论 ?arrogant, proud ????? arrogant: showing too much pride in oneself and too little ??????? consideration for others 傲慢 ????? proud: feeling or showing just or reasonable pride 骄傲 ??conceive, imagine ????? conceive:??????? “conceive of sth.” 想到 ????? imagine: form a mental ..\image of sth. 想象 ??confuse, bewilder ????? confuse: make sb. unable to think or act clearly 使……糊涂 ?????? They confused me by asking so many questions. 他们提了一 ??????? 大堆问题,把我都弄糊涂了。 ????? bewilder: confuse, esp. by the presence of many different or ??????????????? complicated things at the same time 因太复杂而 ??????????????? 使……不知所措,糊涂 ?????? I was totally bewildered by the clues to this crossword ??????? puzzle. 这个纵横字谜的提示完全把我弄糊涂了。 ???ideal, idealistic ????? ideal: satisfying one’s idea of what is perfect, most suitable, ???????????? unrealistic 理想的,不切实际的 ????? idealistic: of idealism or of person who has high ideals 理想 ????????????????? 主义的,理想主义者的 ??? mix, blend ????? mix: put together tow or more things to make sth. else 混合 ????? blend: mix thoroughly 融合 ??? ramble, rumble ????? ramble: walk for pleasure with no special destination 漫步,散步 ????? rumble: make a deep heavy continuous sound 发出隆隆声 Four Choices for Yong People ??? sight, glance? ????? sight: n. ability to see; action of seeing 视力;看见? ????? glance: n. quick look 一瞥 ??? relevant, relative? ????? relevant: connected with what is being discussed, what is ??????????????? happening, what is being done 有关的,切题的? ?????? the facts relevant to the case 与案件有关的事实 ?????? I don’t think his remarks are relevant to our discussion. 我 ??????? 认为他的话不切我们的议题。 ????? relati


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