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介词、连词与简单句、并列句、复合句练习   1.Smoking does great harm to our health.    is smoking allowed in public places.   A.At no time    B.In no time    C.At a time     D.At all times   2.Don’t trust him. He is   some tricks.   A.out of      B.up to      C.away from    D.out from   3.We gave out a cheer when the red roof of the cottage came   view.   A.from       B.in       C.before      D.into   4.What he said just now had little to do with the question    discussion.   A.on        B.in       C.under      D.at   5.   my return, I learned that Professor Smith had been at the Museum and would not be back in several hours.   A.On       B.In       C.At        D.With   6.   one time, Manchester was the home of the most productive cotton mills in the world.   A.On       B.By       C.At        D.Of   7.I wonder if you can   . I can hardly find a hotel except that one   and I don’t think it safe to stay there.   A.put me up; in the distance       B.put me through; in the distance   C.put me up; at the distance       D.put me through; at the distance   8.The   look   her face suggested that she was angry.   A.surprising; in   B.surprising; on  C.surprised; on    D.surprised; in   9.The house is beautiful and comfortable   its distance from the main road.   A.besides      B.but      C.except      D.except for   10.Admission   the college is by entrance examination only.   A.for       B.to       C.in        D.by   11.He will agree to do what you require   him.   A.of        B.from      C.to        D.for   12.There were fifty people   when the accident happens.   A.on the board    B.on board    C.board      D.above board   13.By 1929, Mickey Mouse was as popular   children as Coca-Cola.   A.for        B.in       C.to        D.with   14.The watchman kept still, listening   any more to come.   A.in        B.to       C. for       D.out   15.Teachers have no right to force their own opinions   the students.   A.upon       B.at       C.in        D.to   16.Her fluency in English gives her an advant


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