2017版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Sharing课堂达标 新人教版选修7.doc

2017版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 4 Sharing课堂达标 新人教版选修7.doc

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Unit 4 Sharing Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.Thanks for your directions to the house;we wouldnt have found it __otherwise__. 2.A smile costs __nothing__, but gives much. 3.I am looking forward to the day __when__my daughter can read this book and know my feelings for her. 4.I cant meet you on Sunday.Ill be __otherwise__ occupied. 5.What he needs is the __security__ (secure) of a happy home. 6.The doctor is performing an important __operation__ (operate) on the injured child. 7.He was driven out of his homeland for __political__(politics) reasons. 8.The pine-trees have been planted in a very wide __distribution__(distribute). 9.Please help me to draw off these __muddy__ (mud) boots. 10.We have made all the __arrangements__ (arrange) for the conference. Ⅱ.完成句子 1.__The_other_day__(前几天),I __heard_from__ (收到来信) one of my former teachers inviting me to his wedding anniversary. 2.__To_be_honest__(说实话), I __am_dying_to_participate_in__ (极想参加) the activity. 3.We should __be_aware_of__(认识到) the importance of protecting the environment. 4.They __volunteer_to_help/are_voluntary_to_help__(自愿帮助) the poor and the old. 5.能和你们一起学习真是一种荣幸。 __It_is/was__ a privilege __to_study__ with you. 6.要是他无法适应目前的生活怎么办? __What_if__ he cant __adjust_himself_to__ the current life? 7.阅读时,没必要查你遇到的每个生词。 __There_is_no_need_to_look_up__ every new word you __come_across__ in the dictionary while reading. 8.有许多网址,从那里你能够找到很多与英语学习相关的信息。 There are many websites, __from_where__ you can find much information __relevant_to__ English learning. 9.他们村有12口井,其中有7口井已经干涸了,但剩下的仍然能满足他们的基本需要。 There are 12 wells in their village, seven __of_which_have_dried_up__, but the rest of them can still __meet_their_basic_needs__. 10.正是那个抱着熟睡的孩子的年轻妇女目睹了这起交通事故。(with复合结构) It is the young woman __with_a_baby_sleeping__ who witnessed the traffic accident. Ⅲ.单句改错 1.Deeds are better than words when people are in need help. __need后加of__ 2.Bill Gates made a generous donation for the charity. __for→to__ 3.Yesterday there was a sports meeting in our school with



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