2017版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 5 Music课堂达标 新人教版必修2.doc

2017版高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 5 Music课堂达标 新人教版必修2.doc

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Unit 5 Music Ⅰ.单句语法填空 1.He had to pause from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead, because the air-conditioning system broke __down__. 解析:句意:他不得不不时地停下来擦额头上的汗,因为空调坏了。break down谈判等失败;(机器等)发生故障;(人精神)崩溃等。 2.Youd sound a lot more polite if you make a request in __the__form of a question. 解析:句意:如果你以问题的形式提出要求听起来会有礼貌得多。in the form of以……形式。 3.He pretended to be __studying__(study) when his father stepped into his room. 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:当他父亲进他的房间时他假装在学习。pretend接不定式的进行式,意为“假装正在做某事”。 4.Its a common belief__that__teenagers today know much about computers and are familiar __with__using them in all aspects of life. 解析:考查名词性从句和介词短语。第一空是同位语从句,多用that引导;第二空be familiar with“熟悉,与……熟悉起来”。 5.I used to live in Bangalore, India, __where__the traffic is heavy for most of the day. 解析:考查定语从句。句意:我过去住在印度的班加罗尔,那里每天大多数时间里交通都很拥挤。从句部分________the traffic is heavy for most of the day缺少地点状语,先行词是Bangalore表地点,所以填关系副词where。 6.My favorite writer is Mo Yan, some of __whose__ novels have a surprising ending. 解析:考查定语从句。此处为“不定代词+of+关系代词”引导的非限制性定语从句,关系代词在从句中作定语,所以用whose。 7.Emperor Kangxi came to this village twice, thus __earning__(earn) it the name Huangcheng. 解析:考查非谓语动词。句意:康熙皇帝两次驾临这个村庄,这个村庄也因此赢得了“皇城”的美名。主句句子结构完整,也是earn的逻辑主语,故用earning这一现在分词作结果状语。 8.On her birthday,she received a nice present from her parents __to__ which a note was attached,saying“We love you so much.” 解析:attach与介词to搭配,意为“附上;附加”,故定语从句用to which引导。 9.My parents always attach great importance __to__ my getting a good education. 解析:句意:我的父母一直非常重视让我得到良好的教育。attach great importance to认为……非常重要,为固定搭配,符合句意。 10.You are old enough to earn your own __living__(live). 解析:句意:你足够大了,可自己谋生了。earn/make ones living为固定搭配,意为“谋生”。 11.Parents attach much importance __to__ education.They will do their best to give their children that priceless gift. 解析:句意:父母都十分重视教育。他们竭尽所能想使孩子们拥有那种无价礼物。attach great importance to...“非常重视”。 12.Your __performance__(perform) as a student will be excellent if you develop a habit of reflecting on how you learn. 解析:句意:如果你养成思考如何学习的习惯,作为



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