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20 3 Vol.20, No. 3 2002 06 Low Temperature and Specialty ases June., 2002 5.5 N 以上超纯氨的研制及产业化 孙福楠, 冯庆祥 ( , 116031) : , 5 N O N 2 2 CH , 5 N 4 , , 5.5 N : ; ; ; : TQ126.2: B: 1007-7804( 2002)03-0025-09 - The Study and Production of Ul tra High Purity ( 5.5 ) Grade N Ammonia SUN Fu-nan,FEN Qing-xiang ( uangming Research Design Institute of Chemical Industry Dalian, 116031,China) Abstract: In the study and production of ultra high-purity grade( 5. 5 N) ammonia, there are many key technical problems previously, including trace water removing,O N CH impurities unsteadiness in product ammonia,prod- 2 2 4 uct packing small in production scale All these problems have been solved successfully by many experiments and, . 50 / - . , 5.5 established a t a ultra high purity ammonia production line In this article we introduce the process of N ultra high-purity ammonia production and the method of ammonia analyses especially analysis of trace water in am- monia. Key words: ammonia purification analyses; ; 1 , , ( 3 -6 10 ) , ( 500 nm) [ 1] () ( 900 nm) ( 700 nm) ,


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