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23 1 现代化工 Jan.2003
2003 1 Modern Chemi al Industry ·49 ·
涡 轮 除 尘 技 术
(西南科技大学环境工程学院, 四川绵阳621002)
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:X701.2 :A :0253-4320(2003)01-0049-03
Technique of turbine dusting
CHEN Hai -yan
(College of Environment Engineering, Southwest University of S ien e and Te hnology, Mianyang 621002, China)
Abstract:A turbine duster is designed to olle t high humid and high onglutinate ultrafine dust on the basis of the fol-
lowing prin iples:when the dusty ounter air stream flows to the high-speed turbine, the dust is for ed outward to the tube wall
under the entrifugal field produ ed by the rotational flow and the turbine blades,while the lean air is dis harged through the
turbine enter under the su tion for e.The properties are analyzed and the parameter design is dis ussed on the basis of the e-
quation for ut-size of turbine duster.Experiments show that it is an important guarantee to produ e omplete and steady en-
trifugal field and reliable end fa e sealing in turbine dusting area.Both the theoreti al and experimental resear hes prove that
this turbine duster an steadily and reliably meet the olle tion requirements of high humid and high onglutinate ultrafine dust.
Key words:turbine;dusting;ultrafine dust
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