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TO DO THIS PRESS Temporarily change the volume or frequency of the band that cannot control 暂时改变声音或频率的控制 E.CHG Determine if a frequency is in use before transmitting 静噪 MONI The LCD illumination lamp lights 启动LCD灯光 LAMP Change the frequency in 1MHz step 改变频率1MHZ步进 MHz VFO mode VFO模式 VFO Memory channel recall mode 储存频道收回模式 MR Activate call channel function 启动呼叫频道功能 CALL Recall the received message 收回接收的信息 MSG Exchange Main and Sub band content 交换主要和次要波段内容 BAND Activate all function (blue letters) 启动全部功能(蓝色字) F Memory date entering mode 存储信道输入 M Activate tone encoder 启动音调编码 TONE Exchange dual band reception or single band reception 交换双波段或单波段接收 DUAL Select desired transmitter offset direction 异频(差频) SHIFT Activate Band scan 启动波段扫描 VFO(1 second按1秒) Activate Memory channel scan 启动储存频道扫描 MR(1 second) Activate CALL scan 启动呼叫扫描 CALL(1 second) Select volume or encoder mode 选择音量或编码模式 F then E.CHG The LCD illumination lamp lights at all times 背景灯光长亮 F then LAMP Memory shift 储存异频模式 F then VFO Activate VFO/Memory scan 启动VFO/储存扫描 F then MR Activate VFO/Memory Call scan 启动VFO/储存呼叫频道扫描 F then CALL Turn message function on or off 旋转信息功能开或关 F then NSG Turn automatic band change function on or off 旋转自动波段改变功能开或关 F then BAND Activate PAGING mode 启动寻呼 模式 F then 1 Activate DTSS function 启动DTSS功能 F then 2 Activate CTCSS function 启动CTCSS 功能 F then 3 Activate alert function 启动警惕功能 F then 4 Switching speaker output when a external spealer is connected 外接扬声器时开关扬声器输出 F then 6 Turn CLOCK function on or off 转至时钟功能开或关 F then 7 Turn switch on timerfunction on or off 转至定时开机时间功能的开或关 F then 8 Turn switch off timerfunction on or off 转至定时关机时间功能的开或关 F then 9 Activate memory channel lock out function 启动储存频道锁出功能 F then 0 Turn KEY LOCK function on or off 转至锁键功能开或关 F then M Turn TX STOP function on or off 转至停止TX功能开或关 F then f2 Select transmit output power level 选择发射功率 F then TONE Activate duplex operation 启动双工(一个波段发射,另一个接收)操作 F then DUAL Turn reverse function on or off 旋转翻转功能开或关(倒频) F then SHIFT Return the e


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