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三、形容词和副词 1.before/earlier。考查副词。根据句意和Id been at home的时态可知此处表示“几个小时前,我待在香港的家里”,“待在家里”应该是发生在过去动作arrived之前,故此处填before或earlier均可。 1.seriously→serious  2.Much→Many 3.去掉very 4.terrible→terribly  5.easy→easily  6.better→best 7.well→good (一)形容词、副词的作用与位置 作用 举例 形容词短语作定语,定语后置;单个形容词作定语,定语前置 a five-year-old child,a child five years old,a language difficult to master,a leaning tower about 180 feet high 表语形容词(afraid,alike,alone,asleep,awake,alive等)作定语,定语后置 a man alive,the boy awake 作用 举例 由不定代词one,no,any,some和every构成的复合不定代词修饰anything,something,everything,nothing等时,定语一律后置 I have something important to tell you. Will you tell us anything new? enough,nearby修饰名词前置或后置均可; enough修饰形容词、副词时,必须后置 enough books=books enough,old enough,rapidly enough 作用 举例 副词作定语,定语后置 The person there / here is waiting for you. else“其他的,别的”常用作疑问代词和不定代词的后置定语而other用于名词前 what else...,who else...,where else...,nothing else 频度副词如:often,always,usually,never,hardly,seldom等在be动词、助动词、情态动词后,行为动词前 You are often late. She is always worried. I can hardly speak Japanese. 作用 举例 表原意(无-ly)的副词:deep,wide,low,high 引申意(有-ly)的副词:deeply(深入地),widely(广泛地),highly(高度地),lowly(地位卑微地) dig the hole deep,fly high / low be moved deeply,think highly of,be used widely 有无-ly意义大不相同的副词:dead完全,绝对,deadly非常;pretty相当,prettily漂亮地;close近,closely密切地;late晚、迟,lately最近 be dead asleep be deadly tired be pretty certain be prettily dressed Dont sit close. Watch closely! arrive / come late see sb. lately 名称 句型 例句 相等 as+原级+as (as+原级+名词+as) The car travels as fast as the train. He doesn’t have as much money as his friend. 不及 not as/so+原级+as (not as/so+原级+n.+as) less+原级+than She is not as/so beautiful as her sister. 名称 句型 例句 比……更 比较级+than Health is more important than wealth. 超越 the+比较级+of the two “两者中较……的一个” He is the taller of the two. 用于否定 no+比较级+than “和……一样不” He did no better than I. 用于否定 “再……不过” His work couldnt be worse. 名称 句型 例句 程度递增 -er and -er / more and more+多音节词原级: “越来越……” higher and higher;more and more important 两种情况同时变化 the +比较级,


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