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溶血证 An overview of neonatal hemolysis refers to the homolytic immune hemolysis caused by the incompatibilities of the mother and the baby. In our country, there is a majority of the ABO blood group, and the Rh blood type is somewhat less, and other such as MN and Kell blood group systems are rare. The cause of When fetal blood group antigen and which paternal inheritance from the mother is not at the same time, after entering the mother will stimulate maternal antibodies, can be through the placenta into the fetus, and fetal red blood cell antigen antibody reaction cause hemolysis. In the ABO system, because of type O person resistance against A or some people than the number of type A and type B: some antigen B antigen antigenicity is strong, so the mother O, type A fetus is A sick opportunity. The ABO haemolysis can occur in the first child, and the mother was stimulated by antigens similar to A and B in nature, and has been linked to anti-a or anti-b antibodies. Rh hemolytic disease of the immune antibody, can only be produced by human blood cells as antigen stimulation, did not enter the mother in childbirth fetal red blood cells, then in addition to having a history of blood transfusion rare first onset. Most people in our country are Rh positive, so Rh is rare in our country. The severity of symptoms of symptoms is very large, and the general ABO blood group has some symptoms of incompatibilities. The disease often occurs within 24 hours or the next day with jaundice and rapidly increasing. With jaundice, the disease of anemia, liver splenomegaly, and bilirubin brain disease occur. Rh is not a large number of hemolysis and is born with severe anemia, which can lead to heart failure, systemic edema, and even stillbirth. Check your blood. Treatment 1. Medication. Its a western medicine. Plasma or albumin. Cortisol. Enzyme inducer: phenobarbital, nikocide, should be used early. Both drugs can be used to enhance the effect. Glucose and alkaline solution. Chinese


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