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消化系统题 03-digestive system disease patient care Al type questions (1) patients with severe hematemesis should have A short fast Signs that the bleeding in the digestive tract has stopped A. the blood is dark red and the blood is black, and the pain in the upper abdomen lessens D The evaluation of the patient with bleeding in the digestive tract is of no value to the estimated amount of blood A. the amount of blood and black is the number of b. red blood cells and the blood protein determination of c. blood pressure. D. the patients self-perception 4. What was the amount of bleeding of upper gastrointestinal tract of patients should be with normal saline or ringers solution rapid intravenous input, its effect is a. added blood volume b. electrolytes c. correct acidosis d. e. dredge microcirculation preparation for blood transfusion 5. Diarrhea patients appear what kind of phenomenon that nursing is not enough comprehensive a. bed rest b. abdomen with hot water bag to keep warm c. toilet water sitz bath d. listen to the tape to relax e. to reduce the number of defecation, fasting 6. Inappropriate nursing measures for diarrhea patients is a. under quarantine strict disinfection b. bed rest c. rich nutrition and diet low in fat, less digestible fiber d. defecation times larger then empress warm sitz bath e. replenish moisture and salt People who are constipated should eat A lot of a. high protein food b. high fat food c. high sugar food d. high fiber foods e. high vitamin E 8. Before did not find out the causes of jaundice patients, the following diet a. is inappropriate in light liquid or semi-liquid b. rich vitamin c. d. A moderate amount of fat high-protein e. avoid alcohol 9. In case of jaundice side by side white clay samples of patients, the following approach is inappropriate in a. immediately quarantines b. quiet in bed c. asked in detail about the history d. explain to patients about note e. low-fat diet for A while 10. For chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer, po


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