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Value Engineering • 229 •
供给侧改革背景下P P P 模式热潮的冷思考
Cold Thinking about Hot Flash of PPP Mode under the Background of Reform of Supply-side
顾永超 GU Yong-chao
(School of Civil Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing 211816, China )
Abstract : The 13th Five-Year Plan emphasizes to strengthen the refor^n of the supply-side. As an important part of the supply-side
structural reforms, the PPP mode effectively expands the supply of public infrastructure and services, and changes the traditional supply
mode of social public service. In this article, through analyzing the development course, current situation of promotion and promotion
obstacles in the development process, this paper put forward some policy suggestions to speed up the popularization and application of the
PPP mode, including speeding up the legal system construction, establishing a regulator, providing policy support, training professional
talents, creating a reasonable profit space for the social capital, etc .
关键词院ppp 模式;供给侧改革;推广障碍;政策建议
Key words : PPP mode; reform of the supply-side; promotion obstacles; policy suggestions
中图分类号:F294.1 文献标识码:A 文章编号院1006-4311(2017)04-0229-05
0 引言 PPP模式在英国、澳大利亚、新加坡等发达国家经过
目前我国经济发展进程中供给方面难以得到满足,这 二三十年的发展才趋于成熟,中国的PPP模式经历正式
其中很重要的方面就是社会公共服务供给得不到满足[|]。 发文到试点探索才用了两年多的时间,目前还处于探索磨
伴随着供给侧改革的不断发力,PPP模式作为公共服务基 合阶段[5]。到目前为止,财政部公布的两批示范项目中,第
础设施供给机制改革的重要内容,对推广供给侧改革具有 一批政府推介的PPP项目去除24.4%由于因素变化不再