7A UNIT 4 READING 1food and lifestyles课件(PPT 23页).ppt

7A UNIT 4 READING 1food and lifestyles课件(PPT 23页).ppt

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7A UNIT 4 READING 1food and lifestyles课件(PPT 23页)

Kitty’s and Daniel’s diets and lifestyles * 7A Unit4 Food reading1 food and lifestyles 天马行空官方博客:/tmxk_docin ;QQ:1318241189 fruit /fru:t/ vegetables meat fish drinks Coke juice main food sweet snacks/snks/ sweet /swi:t/ candy fast food What do you eat every day? my diet(日常饮食): have egg,bread and milk for breakfast have vegetables,meat and rice for lunch have fish,vegetables and fruit for supper seldom(not very often) eat sweet snacks between meals my lifestyle(生活方式): run every day do some exercise twice a week never play computer games Am I healthy? A healthy diet and lifestyle is important for us.We need to keep fit. Is kitty healthy? fast reading:read the passage about Kitty and answer the question Yes, she is. the second reading:read after the tape and then do the judgement(T/F) 1 kitty wants to be a teacher. 2 kitty dances for two hours every day. 3 Kitty never eat sweet snacks. 4 After dinner,she sometimes have an apple or a banana. F T F F dancer seldom orange the third reading:read line1-13 and complete the table diet hobby age Kitty name 12 dancing vegetables apples milk bread meat oranges bananas the fourth reading:read line1-13and fill in the blanks Kitty is 12 years old now.She wants to be a d____.She thinks a healthy diet is i_______ for a dancer.She needs lots of e____ to dance.It’s easy for her to get t___ when she dances.She needs to keep f__. She s____ eats sweet snacks between meals.She often has f___ and vegetables.She has an apple and some bread with some milk for b_______ .She eats l___ every day.She usually has m___ and vegetables for dinner. ancer mportant nergy ired eldom ruit reakfast unch eat it Does Daniel have a healthy diet or lifestyle? fast reading:read the passage about Daniel and answer the question No, he doesn’t. the second reading:read line14-25 and answer the following questions 1 What does Daniel like doing? 2 Is he a top student? 3 Can he run fast?Why? 4 What does he plan(打算


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